
百科全书文章始于字母 H

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House of Commons of Canada - (加拿大下議院)

House of Este - (埃斯特家族)

House of Khalifa - (哈里发家族)

House of Lords - (上议院)

House of Lorraine - (洛林家族)

House of Oldenburg - (奥尔登堡王朝)

House of Plantagenet - (普兰塔戈内特家族)

House of Representatives (Belize) - (众议院(伯利兹))

House of Romanov - (罗曼诺夫家族)

House of the Seven Gables - (七间屋的房子)

House of Wettin - (韦廷王朝)

Housecleaning - (家庭清洁)

Housefly - (家蠅)

Household Cavalry - (皇家近衛騎兵)

Household income in the United States - (美国的家庭收入)

Houten - (豪滕)

Hoverfly - (食蚜蝇科)

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! - (格林奇如何偷走圣诞节!》 )

How to Grow a Woman from the Ground - (如何从地上长出一个女人》 )

Howard Hawks - (霍华德-老鹰队)

Howard Staunton - (Howard Staunton)

Howard Stern - (霍华德-斯特恩)

Howard Zinn - (霍华德-津恩)

Howards End - (霍华德庄园)

Howler monkey - (吼猴)

Hox gene - (Hox基因)

Hoxne - (霍克森)

Hoxne treasure - (霍克森宝藏)

Hoysala Empire - (曷萨拉王朝)

Hoyt Wilhelm - (Hoyt Wilhelm)


HTTP cookie - (Cookie)

Hu Yaobang - (胡耀邦)

Huáscar - (瓦斯卡爾)

Huayangosaurus - (华阳龙)

Hub - (枢纽)

Hubble Deep Field - (哈勃深空)

Hubble Extreme Deep Field - (哈伯極深空)

Hubble Space Telescope - (哈勃空间望远镜)

Hubble Ultra-Deep Field - (哈勃超深空)

Hubble's law - (哈勃–勒梅特定律)

Hubei - (湖北省)

Hubert Parry - (休伯特-帕里)

Hudson Bay - (哈德逊湾)

Hudson Institute - (哈德遜研究所)

Hudson River - (哈德遜河)

Hudson, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州哈德森市)

HuffPost - (赫夫帕斯)

Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard - (休-特伦查德,第一子爵特伦查德)

Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard - (休·特伦查德,第一代特伦查德子爵)

Hughes Medal - (休斯奖章)

Hugo (movie) - (雨果 (电影))

Hugo Award - (雨果奖)

Hugo Chávez - (Hugo Chávez)

Hugo de Jonge - (Hugo de Jonge)

HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee - (Hugo基因命名委员会(Hgnc) )

Hull - (赫尔)

Hulme - (胡尔姆)

Hulu - (葫芦岛)

Human - (人)

Human Be-In - (人性化的Be-In)

Human biology - (人类生物学)

Human chorionic gonadotropin - (人绒毛膜促性腺激素)

Human digestive system - (消化系统)

Human evolution - (人類演化)

Human genome - (人类基因组)

Human microbiome - (人類微生物群系)

Human migration - (人类迁徙)

Human nature - (人性)

Human penis - (人类的阴茎)

Human penis size - (人类阴茎尺寸)

Human powered aircraft - (人体动力飞机)

Human resources - (人力资源)

Human rights - (人权)

Human sacrifice - (人祭)

Human science - (人文科學)

Human skeleton - (人體骨架)

Human skin colour - (膚色)

Humanism - (人文主义)

Humanities - (人文学科)

Humayun Ahmed - (Humayun Ahmed)

Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco - (Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco)

Humboldt Current - (秘魯涼流)

Humid continental climate - (湿润的大陆性气候)

Humidex - (Humidex)

Humidity - (湿度)

Humoral immunity - (体液免疫)

Hundred Flowers Awards - (百花奖)

Hundred Years' War - (百年战争)

Hungarian language - (匈牙利语)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - (1956年匈牙利革命)

Hungaroring - (匈牙利赛道)

Hungary - (匈牙利)

Hungerford Bridge - (亨格福德橋和五十週年紀念橋)

Hunting - (狩獵)

Huntington Beach, California - (亨廷頓比奇)

Huntington Beach, California - (加州亨廷顿海滩)

Huntsville, Alabama - (亨茨维尔 (阿拉巴马州))

Huntsville, Alabama - (亚拉巴马州亨茨维尔)

Hurling - (板棍球)

Huronian glaciation - (休伦冰河时期)

Hurricane Agnes - (艾格尼丝飓风)

Hurricane Alicia - (艾丽西亚飓风)

Hurricane Andrew - (飓风安德鲁)

Hurricane Barry (2019) - (颶風巴瑞 (2019年))

Hurricane Belle - (飓风美女)

Hurricane Bob - (颶風鮑勃 (1991年))

Hurricane Boris (1996) - (飓风鲍里斯 (1996))

Hurricane Cindy (2005) - (2005年飓风辛迪)

Hurricane Dorian - (颶風多利安 (2019年))

Hurricane Edouard (1996) - (爱德华飓风(1996年))

Hurricane Emily (2005) - (2005年飓风艾米莉)

Hurricane Epsilon - (飓风Epsilon)

Hurricane Erika (2003) - (飓风埃里卡 (2003年))

Hurricane Florence - (颶風佛羅倫斯 (2018年))

Hurricane Florence (2006) - (2006年飓风佛罗伦萨)

Hurricane Floyd - (弗洛伊德飓风)

Hurricane Floyd (1987) - (1987年飓风弗洛伊德)

Hurricane Gloria - (飓风格洛丽亚)

Hurricane Gordon (1994) - (戈登飓风(1994年))

Hurricane Harvey - (2017年颶風哈維)

Hurricane Helene (2006) - (2006年飓风海伦)

Hurricane Ida - (飓风伊达)

Hurricane Ioke - (颶風伊歐凱)

Hurricane Irene (2005) - (飓风艾琳 (2005年))

Hurricane Iris - (飓风艾利斯)

Hurricane Irma - (颶風艾瑪)

Hurricane Isaac (2006) - (2006年飓风艾萨克)

Hurricane Isidore - (飓风伊西多尔)

Hurricane Ismael - (飓风伊斯梅尔)

Hurricane John (1994) - (颶風約翰 (1994年))

Hurricane Kate (1985) - (凯特飓风(1985))

Hurricane Katrina - (2005年颶風卡特里娜)

Hurricane Kenna - (飓风肯纳)

Hurricane Kyle (2008) - (凯尔飓风(2008年))

Hurricane Lane (2006) - (2006年飓风莱恩)

Hurricane Lenny - (飓风兰尼)

Hurricane Luis - (飓风路易斯)

Hurricane Maria - (颶風瑪麗亞 (2017年))

Hurricane Marilyn - (飓风玛丽莲)

Hurricane Michael - (颶風邁克爾)

Hurricane Mitch - (米奇飓风)

Hurricane Nate (2005) - (纳特飓风(2005年))

Hurricane Nora (1997) - (1997年飓风诺拉)

Hurricane Ophelia - (飓风奥菲利亚)

Hurricane Sandy (2012) - (颶風桑迪)

Hurricane Vince - (飓风文斯)

Hurricane Wilma - (飓风威尔玛)

Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District - (Hurst-Euless-Bedford独立学区)

Húsavík - (Húsavík)

Hutton Gibson - (赫顿-吉布森)

Huxley family - (赫胥黎家族)

Hy-Vee - (蕙质兰心)

Hyacynth macaw - (紫藍金剛鸚鵡)

Hyades (star cluster) - (畢宿星團)

Hyaena - (鬣狗)

Hybrid vigour - (杂种优势)

Hyde Park, Vermont - (海德公园,佛蒙特州)

Hyder Ali - (Hyder Ali)

Hyderabad, India - (海得拉巴 (印度))

Hyderabad, India - (印度海德拉巴)

Hyderabad, Sindh - (信德省海德拉巴市)

Hydra (moon) - (冥卫三)

Hydride - (氢化物)

Hydroelectricity - (水力发电)

Hydrogen - (氢)

Hydrogen sulfide - (硫化氫)

Hydrogenosome - (氢化体)

Hydrography - (水文地理学)

Hydrometeorological Prediction Center - (水文气象预报中心)

Hydroponics - (水耕法)

Hydropower - (水力资源)

Hydrothermal vent - (热液喷口)

Hydroxide - (氢氧化物)

Hygiene - (卫生学)

Hygrometer - (濕度計)

Hylonomus - (林蜥屬)

Hyman Minsky - (海曼-明斯基)

Hymenoptera - (膜翅目)

Hyoid - (舌骨)

Hypatia - (希帕提婭)

Hyperaccumulator - (超积累器)

Hyperbola - (双曲线)

Hyperbolic geometry - (双曲几何)

Hypercube - (超方形)

Hypergiant - (特超巨星)

Hyperinflation - (恶性通货膨胀)

Hyperion (poem) - (希柏里翁)

Hyperkalemia - (高钾血症)

Hyperland - (超乐园)

Hypermodern - (超模派 )

Hyperoliidae - (非洲树蛙科)

Hyperon - (超子)

Hypersomnia - (嗜睡症)

Hyperthermia - (高温症)

Hypertrophy - (肥大)

Hyphen - (连字号)

Hypnosis - (催眠)

Hypobromite - (次溴酸盐)

Hyponymy and hypernymy - (隐名制和超隐名制)

Hypothesis - (假说)

Hyracotherium - (Hyracotherium)

Hyssop - (神香草属)

Hysteresis - (遲滯現象)

Hyundai Engineering and Construction - (现代工程与建设公司)

Hyundai Motor Company - (现代汽车公司)

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