
百科全书文章始于字母 G

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G-flat major - (降G大调)

G-sharp major - (G大调)

G-sharp minor - (升G小調)

G-type main-sequence star - (G型主序星)

G. Ledyard Stebbins - (G. Ledyard Stebbins)

G98 Mauser rifle - (Gewehr 98步槍)

GABA - (Γ-氨基丁酸)

Gabbro - (辉绿岩)

Gabelmann - (伽贝尔曼)

Gabon - (加蓬)

Gábor Csupó - (Gábor Csupó)

Gabriel Fauré - (Gabriel Fauré)

Gabriel García Márquez - (加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯)

Gabriel von Hackl - (加布里埃尔-冯-哈克尔)

Gabrielle (Xena) - (加布里埃尔(谢娜))

Gabrovo Province - (加布羅沃州)

Gadi Eizenkot - (加迪-艾曾科特)

Gadsden County, Florida - (佛罗里达州加兹登县)

Gadsden County, Florida - (加茲登縣 (佛羅里達州))

Gaelic Athletic Association - (蓋爾運動協會)

Gaelic football - (蓋爾式足球)

Gaetano Donizetti - (Gaetano Donizetti)

Gag - (插科打诨)

Gahal - (嘎哈尔)

Gaia - (盖亚)

Gaia (spacecraft) - (盖亚任务)

Gairaigo - (盖拉戈)

Galactic Empire - (銀河帝國)

Galactic Republic - (銀河共和國)

Galápagos Islands - (加拉帕戈斯群岛)

Galatea (moon) - (加拉蒂亚(月亮))

Galaxy - (星系)

Galaxy cluster - (星系团)

Galeras - (加勒拉斯)

Galette - (加勒特)

Galia melon - (冬瓜)

Galicia (Spain) - (加利西亚 (西班牙))

Galina Vishnevskaya - (Galina Vishnevskaya)

Gall - (癭)

Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica - (國立古代藝術美術館)

Gallipoli - (加里波利半島)

Gallium - (镓)

Galvarino - (Galvarino)

Galyat - (加利亚特)

Gamal Abdel Nasser - (Gamal Abdel Nasser)

Gambling - (赌博)

Game - (游戏)

Game & Watch Gallery 4 - (游戏和手表画廊4)

Game bird - (野生鸟类 )

Game Boy Color - (Game Boy Color)

Game Maker - (游戏制作者)

Game pie - (游戏派)

Game theory - (博弈论)

GameCube - (游戏方块)

Gamemaster - (遊戲主持者)

Gameplay of Pokémon - (口袋妖怪的游戏玩法)

GamePro - (GamePro)

GameSpot - (GameSpot)

Gamete - (配子)

Gamla stan - (斯德哥爾摩老城)

Gamma function - (Γ函数)

Gamma ray - (伽马射线)

gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid - (Γ-羟基丁酸)

Gamma-ray burst - (伽玛射线暴)

Gandhi (band) - (甘地)

Gandhinagar - (Gandhinagar)

Gang - (冈萨雷斯)

Gang rape - (轮奸)

Ganges - (恒河)

Ganges Delta - (恒河三角洲)

Ganghwado - (江華島)

Gansu - (甘肃省)

Ganymede (moon) - (木卫三)

Gap, Hautes-Alpes - (上阿尔卑斯省的峡口)

Gap, Hautes-Alpes - (上阿尔卑斯省的峡口)

Garage rock - (車庫搖滾)

Garden gnome - (花园侏儒)

Garden of Eden - (伊甸園)

Gardenia - (栀子属)

Gardens by the Bay - (濱海灣花園)

Gardon d'Alès - (加尔东-德-阿莱斯(Gardon d'Alès))

Garhi Yasin - (加尔希-亚辛)

Garibaldi Volcanic Belt - (加里波第火山带 )

Garry Kasparov - (加里-卡斯帕罗夫)

Garry Monk - (Garry Monk)

Gartempe - (Gartempe)

Garth Brooks - (加思-布鲁克斯)

Garth Brooks (album) - (Garth Brooks (专辑))

Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 - (加魯達航空152號班機空難)

Gary Coleman - (加里-科尔曼)

Gary Gilmore - (加里-吉尔莫)

Gary Johnson - (加里-约翰逊)

Gary Lewis (musician) - (加里-刘易斯)

Gary Oldman - (加里-奥德曼)

Gary Smith - (加里-史密斯)

Gas - (气体)

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry - (氣相色譜法-質譜聯用)

Gas turbine - (燃气轮机)

Gasoline - (汽油)

Gaston, Duke of Orléans - (加斯顿,奥尔良公爵)

Gastornis - (加斯多尼)

Gastropoda - (腹足纲)

Gata Kamsky - (加塔-卡姆斯基)

Gate of China - (中国之门)

Gates County, North Carolina - (北卡罗来纳州盖茨县)

Gates County, North Carolina - (北卡罗来纳州盖茨县)

Gates v. Collier - (盖茨诉科利尔)

Gatling gun - (加特林机枪)

Gatorade - (佳得乐)

Gaucho - (高乔)

Gauge boson - (规范玻色子)

Gaul - (高卢)

Gaur - (高尔)

Gauri Khan - (Gauri Khan)

Gaussian elimination - (高斯消去法)

Gauteng - (豪登省)

Gave de Pau - (波河 (阿杜爾河支流))

Gavrilo Princip - (加夫里洛·普林西普)

Gaye Stewart - (Gaye Stewart)

Gayle Rubin - (Gayle Rubin)

Gaza flotilla raid - (加沙船队冲突)

Gaza War - (2008年加沙戰爭)

Gazelle - (羚羊)

Ge'ez script - (Ge'ez文字)

Geb - (盖布)

Geber - (贾比尔)

Gecko - (壁虎科)

Geddes Plan for Tel Aviv - (特拉维夫的格迪斯计划)

Geir Ivarsøy - (盖尔·伊瓦尔绥)

Geisha - (艺妓)

Gelderland - (海尔德兰省)

Gélise - (熱利斯河)

Gelug - (格鲁派)

Gem Archer - (宝石弓箭手)

Gemini (constellation) - (双子座)

Gendarmenmarkt - (御林广场)

Gender identity - (性别认同)

Gene expression - (基因表現)

Gene family - (基因家族)

Gene Hackman - (吉恩-哈克曼)

Gene Kelly - (吉恩-凯利)

Gene knockout - (基因敲除)

Gene silencing - (基因沉默)

Gene therapy - (基因治療)

Gene Wilder - (Gene Wilder)

Genealogy - (系譜學)

General Certificate of Secondary Education - (普通中等教育证书)

General Data Protection Regulation - (歐盟一般資料保護規範)

General election - (大选)

General intelligence factor - (一般智力因素)

General Motors - (通用汽车)

General Motors railway station, Melbourne - (墨尔本通用铁路站)

General-purpose machine gun - (通用机枪)

Generator (Bad Religion album) - (发电机(坏宗教乐队专辑))

Genet - (獛属)

Genetic algorithm - (遗传算法)

Genetic disorder - (遗传性疾病 )

Genetic drift - (遗传漂变)

Genetic engineering - (基因工程)

Genetic linkage - (遗传连锁)

Genetic screening - (胚胎植入前遺傳篩選)

Genetically modified food - (基因改造食品)

Genetics - (遗传学)

Geneva - (日内瓦)

Geneva Conventions - (日内瓦公约)

Genghis Khan - (成吉思汗)

Genkō - (玄武区)

Gennady Rozhdestvensky - (根纳季·尼古拉耶维奇·罗日杰斯特文斯基)

Gennady Yanayev - (根纳季-亚纳耶夫)

Genocide - (种族灭绝)

Genocide Convention - (灭绝种族罪公约)

Genome - (基因組)

Genome editing - (基因编辑技术)

Genotype - (基因型)

Gentleman - (绅士)

Genus - (属)

Geoffrey Burbidge - (杰弗里-伯比奇)

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu - (Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu.)

Geoffrey Rush - (Geoffrey Rush)

Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou - (安茹伯爵杰弗里五世)

Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou - (安茹伯爵杰弗里五世)

Geographer - (地理學家)

Geographical renaming - (地名重名 )

Geography - (地理学)

Geography of Haiti - (海地地理)

Geography of Romania - (羅馬尼亞地理)

Geography of the Dominican Republic - (多米尼加共和国的地理环境)

Geoid - (大地水准面)

Geological formation - (组 (地质学))

Geology - (地质学)

Geomagnetic reversal - (地磁逆轉)

Geometer moth - (蠖ア蜒乗胴体)

Geometric abstraction - (几何抽象)

Geometric mean - (几何平均数)

Geometry - (几何学)

Geophysics - (地球物理学)

Georg Büchner - (格奥尔格·毕希纳)

Georg Büchner Prize - (乔治-毕希纳奖)

Georg Holtzendorff - (Georg Holtzendorff)

Georg Simon Ohm - (乔治-西蒙-欧姆)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - (格奥尔格·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格尔)

George A. Miller - (George A. Miller)

George Andrew Davis, Jr. - (George Andrew Davis, Jr.)

George Armstrong Custer - (乔治·阿姆斯特朗·卡斯特)

George Balanchine - (George Balanchine)

George Beadle - (George Beadle)

George Bernard Shaw - (萧伯纳)

George Boole - (乔治·布尔)

George Brettingham Sowerby I - (George Brettingham Sowerby I)

George Carlin - (乔治-卡林)

George Church - (George Church)

George Clinton (vice president) - (乔治・克林顿)

George F. Smoot - (George F. Smoot)

George Floyd protests - (乔治-弗洛伊德的抗议)

George Frideric Handel - (格奥尔格·弗里德里希·亨德尔)

George Gaylord Simpson - (喬治·蓋洛德·辛普森)

George Grenville - (George Grenville)

George Grove - (乔治-格罗夫)

George H. W. Bush - (George H. W. Bush)

George Harrison - (乔治-哈里森)

George Lucas - (乔治-卢卡斯)

George Mallory - (乔治-马洛里)

George Meade - (乔治·米德)

George Medal - (乔治勋章)

George Orwell - (乔治-奥威尔)

George Pataki - (乔治-帕塔基)

George Soros - (乔治-索罗斯)

George Stephanopoulos - (乔治-斯特凡诺普洛斯)

George Town - (乔治镇)

George V - (乔治五世)

George Vancouver - (乔治-温哥华)

George VI - (乔治六世)

George Voinovich - (George Voinovich)

George W. Bush - (乔治-W-布什)

George W. Campbell - (乔治-W-坎贝尔)

George Wallace - (乔治-华莱士)

George Washington Bridge - (喬治·華盛頓大橋)

George Washington Parke Custis - (乔治-华盛顿-帕克-库斯提斯)

Georges Braque - (喬治·布拉克)

Georges Cuvier - (Georges Cuvier)

Georges Méliès - (Georges Méliès)

Georges Seurat - (喬治·秀拉)

Georges Vézina - (Georges Vézina)

Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon - (乔治-路易-勒克莱尔,布丰伯爵)

Georgetown, Washington, D.C. - (乔治敦,华盛顿特区。)

Georgetown, Washington, D.C. - (乔治敦,华盛顿特区。)

Georgia at the Olympics - (奥运会上的格鲁吉亚)

Georgia Institute of Technology - (佐治亚理工学院)

Georgian language - (格鲁吉亚语)

Georgian Orthodox Church - (格鲁吉亚东正教会)

Georgian Uprising of Texel - (特塞尔的格鲁吉亚人起义)

Geotechnical engineering - (土力工程)

Geothermal energy - (地熱能)

Geraint Thomas - (Geraint Thomas)

Geraldine Chaplin - (杰拉尔丁-卓别林)

Gérard Depardieu - (热拉尔-德帕迪约)

Gerard K. O'Neill - (Gerard K. O'Neill)

Gérard Rozenknop - (Gérard Rozenknop)

Gerard Way - (Gerard Way)

GERB - (保加利亞歐洲發展公民黨)

Gerd von Rundstedt - (格特·馮·倫德施泰特)

Gerhard Ertl - (格哈德·埃特尔)

Germ theory of disease - (病菌论)

German - (德语)

German Academic Exchange Service - (德国学术交流中心)

German Bundesrat - (德国联邦参议院)

German Grand Prix - (德國大獎賽)

German language - (德语)

German National Library - (德国国家图书馆)

German reunification - (德国的统一)

German Shepherd - (德國牧羊犬)

German-speaking Community of Belgium - (比利時德語社群)

Germania - (日耳曼尼亚)

Germanic peoples - (日耳曼人)

Germanicus - (日耳曼尼庫斯)

Germany - (德国)

Germany at the 2018 Winter Paralympics - (2018年冬季残奥会上的德国)

Germany national football team - (德國國家足球隊)

Germination - (发芽)

Gerry Adams - (Gerry Adams)

Gers (river) - (熱爾河)

Gerund - (動名詞)

Gesso - (石膏底料)

Gestalt psychology - (格式塔学派)

Gesture - (手势)

Get on the Bus - (上车)

Getae - (Getae)

Getty Center - (盖蒂中心)

Getty Conservation Institute - (盖蒂保护研究所)

Gettysburg Address - (蓋茲堡演說)

Gex, Ain - (格克斯,艾因)

Gex, Ain - (格克斯,艾因)

Ghana - (加纳)

Ghanche District - (冈切县)

Ghazni Province - (加兹尼省)

Ghent Altarpiece - (根特祭坛画)

Ghetto - (犹太区)

Ghil'ad Zuckermann - (Ghil'ad Zuckermann)

Ghiyas ud din Balban - (Ghiyas ud din Balban)

Ghost - (鬼)

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