
百科全书文章始于字母 I

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(I've Had) The Time of My Life - ((我有)我生命中的时光)

I Could Fall in Love - (我可以爱上你)

I Don't Care (Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber song) - (我不在乎(艾德-希兰和贾斯汀-比伯的歌))

I Gotta Feeling - (我有种感觉)

I Have a Dream - (我有一个梦想)

I Kissed a Girl - (我吻了一个女孩)

I Love Lucy - (我爱露茜)

I Remember - (我记得)

I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! - (我是名人......让我离开这里!)

I've Been to the Mountaintop - (我曾到过山顶)

I've Got a Secret - (我有一个秘密)

I, Robot - (我,机器人)

I, Robot - (我,机器人)

Iah - (Iah)

Iain Duncan Smith - (Iain Duncan Smith)

Iambic pentameter - (伊曼克五音步)

Ian McDiarmid - (Ian McDiarmid)

Ian Nepomniachtchi - (Ian Nepomniachtchi)

Ian Stevenson - (伊恩-史蒂文森)

Iapetus Ocean - (巨神海)

Iberian Union - (伊比利亞聯盟)

Ibn Khaldun - (伊本·赫勒敦)

Ibn Saud - (伊本-沙特)

Iboga - (伊波加)

IC 10 - (IC 10)

iCal - (日历 (Apple))

ICD - (國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類)

Ice - (冰)

Ice age - (冰河时代)

Ice algae - (冰藻)

Ice core - (冰芯)

Ice cube - (食用冰塊)

Ice dancing - (冰上舞蹈)

Ice giant - (冰巨行星)

Ice hockey - (冰球)

Ice Hockey World Championships - (冰球世锦赛)

Ice Ice Baby - (冰冰宝贝)

Ice sheet - (冰盖)

Iceland - (冰岛)

Icelandic name - (冰島人姓名)

Iceni - (爱西尼)

Ichiro Mizuki - (水木一郎)

Ichneumon - (Ichneumon)

Ichnology - (技术)

Ichthyophiidae - (鱼腥草科(Ichthyophiidae)

Ichthyosaurus - (鱼龙(Ichthyosaurus)

Icknield Street - (Icknield Street)

Icon - (图标)

Icon (disambiguation) - (图标)

Iconoclasm - (破坏偶像主义)


Icterid - (擬黃鸝科)

Id, ego, and super-ego - (本我、自我和超我)

Id, ego, and super-ego - (本我、自我和超我)

Idempotence - (冪等)

Identical twins - (同卵双胞胎 )

Identity - (身份)

Ideology - (意識形態)

Idi Amin - (伊迪-阿明)

Idiom - (熟语)

Iditarod - (艾迪塔罗德狗拉雪橇比赛)

Idomeneo - (依多美尼歐)

Idrijca - (伊德里卡河)

IEEE 1394 - (IEEE 1394)

IGA Australia - (澳大利亚IGA公司)

Iggy Azalea - (Iggy Azalea)

Iglesia ni Cristo - (基督堂教會)

Igloo - (冰箱)

Ignatius of Antioch - (安提阿的伊格内修)

Ignition - (点火)

Ignition (album) - (点燃(专辑))

Ignoratio elenchi - (不相干的謬誤)

Igor Stravinsky - (伊戈尔·费奥多罗维奇·斯特拉文斯基)

Iguanodon - (禽龍屬)

Iguanodont - (鬣齿动物)

Ii - (Ii)

Ilaiyaraaja - (Ilaiyaraaja)

Île d'Oléron - (奥雷隆岛)

Iliad - (伊利亚特)

Ill (France) - (伊爾河 (法國))

Illegal drugs - (非法药物)

Illinois River - (伊利诺伊河)

Illinois Senate - (伊利诺伊州参议院)

Illusion - (幻觉)

Ilomska - (伊洛姆斯卡)

Ilse Koch - (Ilse Koch)

Ilulissat - (伊卢利萨特)

Ilya Mechnikov - (Ilya Mechnikov)

iMac - (iMac)

Image scanner - (影像掃描器)

Imaginary number - (虚数)

Imaginary unit - (虛數單位)

Imbolc - (圣布里吉德节)

Imelda Marcos - (伊梅尔达-马科斯)

Immanuel Kant - (伊曼纽尔-康德)

Immanuel Nobel - (伊曼纽尔-诺贝尔)

Immigration - (外來移民)

Immigration and Naturalization Service - (移民和归化局)

Immigration detention in the United States - (美国的移民拘留)

Immortality - (长生不老)

Immune system - (免疫系统)

Immunity (medical) - (免疫)

Immunization - (免疫接种)

Immunology - (免疫学)

Imp - (小恶魔)

Impact event - (撞擊事件)

Impatiens - (凤仙花属)

Imperial - (帝国)

Imperial China - (帝国中国)

Imperial College London - (伦敦帝国学院)

Imperial Household Agency - (御膳房)

Imperial State Crown - (帝国皇冠)

Implication and inference - (暗示和推理)

Impossible object - (不可能的物体)

Impressionism - (印象派)

Impressment - (印象)

Imprinting - (铭印)

Impuzamugambi - (英普扎穆甘比)

Imst District - (伊姆斯特区)

In a Heartbeat - (在心底里)

In Mortal Hands - (在凡人手中)

In Pieces - (碎片中)

In re Gault - (关于高尔特)

In the Heights - (在高处)

In Your House - (在你的房子里)

Ina Bauer - (伊娜-鲍尔)

Inauguration of Donald Trump - (2017年美國總統就職典禮)

Inbreeding - (近亲繁殖)

Inca Empire - (印加帝國)

Inca road system - (印加路网)

Inca rope bridge - (印加绳索桥)

Incarnation (Christianity) - (道成肉身)

Inception - (全面啟動)

Inch of mercury - (英寸汞柱)

Incheon - (仁川)

Incheon International Airport - (仁川国际机场)

Incidental music - (附带音乐)

Incisivosaurus - (切齒龍屬)

Incisor - (門齒)

Inclined plane - (斜面)

Incorporation of the Bill of Rights - (合併原則)

Incubation - (孵化)

Incubation period - (孵化期)

Incubus - (Incubus)

Incubus (1966 movie) - (妖怪(1966年电影))

Independence - (独立)

Independence Day (United States) - (美国独立日)

Independence Day Award - (独立日奖)

Independence Day of Pakistan - (巴基斯坦独立日)

Independencia Province - (獨立省)

Independent State of Croatia - (克羅埃西亞獨立國)

Independent Women Part I - (独立女性第一部分)

Independiente Medellín - (麦德林独立队)

Index - (索引)

Index Librorum Prohibitorum - (禁書目錄)

India - (印度)

Indian nationality law - (印度国籍法)

Indian Premier League - (印度超級板球聯賽)

Indian presidential election, 1962 - (1962年印度总统选举)

Indian reservation - (印第安人保留地)

Indian roller - (棕胸佛法僧)

Indian rupee - (印度盧比)

Indian softshell turtle - (恆河鱉)

Indian subcontinent - (印度次大陸)

Indian Wells Masters - (印第安維爾斯大師賽)

Indiana - (印第安纳州)

Indiana Jones - (印第安纳-琼斯)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - (印第安納瓊斯:水晶骷髏王國)

Indianapolis Motor Speedway - (印第安納波利斯賽車場)

India–Pakistan border - (印度-巴基斯坦边境)

Indie pop - (独立流行)

Indie rock - (独立摇滚)

Indigenous Australian music - (澳大利亚土著音乐)

Indigenous Australians - (澳大利亚原住民)

Indigo - (靛蓝色)

Indira Gandhi - (英迪拉-甘地)

Indirect democracy - (代議民主制)

Indo-Canadians - (印度裔加拿大人)

Indo-European languages - (印欧语系)

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - (1971年的印巴战争)

Indochinese tiger - (印度支那虎)

Indonesia - (印度尼西亚)

Indonesian language - (印度尼西亚语)

Indra - (因陀羅)

Indre River - (安德尔河)

Induction coil - (感应线圈)

Inductive reasoning - (归纳推理)

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry - (电感耦合等离子体质谱法)

Inductor - (电感器)

Indulgence - (大赦 (基督教))

Indus River - (印度河)

Indus Valley civilization - (印度河流域文明)

Industrial metal - (工业金属)

Industrialisation - (工業化)

Industry - (工业)

Indy Racing League - (印第赛车联盟)

Ine of Wessex - (威塞克斯的伊恩)

Inequality - (不等)

Infant attachment - (依附理論)

Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria - (卡拉布里亚公爵卡洛斯元帅)

Infantry gun - (步兵炮)

Infidelity - (不忠行为)

Infiltration tactics - (渗透战术)

Informal economy - (灰色经济)

Informal fallacy - (非形式謬誤)

Infrared - (红外线)

Infrastructure - (基础设施)

Inge Lehmann - (英厄·莱曼)

Ingerophrynus - (英格罗弗莱纳斯)

Ingmar Bergman - (英格玛-伯格曼)

Ingólfr Arnarson - (英格尔夫·阿纳尔松)

Ingredient - (成分)

Ingrid Bergman - (英格丽-褒曼)

Inigo Jones - (伊尼戈-琼斯)

Initial public offering - (首次公开募股)

Initiation - (启动仪式)

Injective function - (注射函数)

Inland sea - (内海)

Inline-four engine - (直列四缸引擎)

Inna - (Inna)

Innamincka, South Australia - (英纳明卡,南澳大利亚)

Innate immune system - (先天免疫系統)

Inner ear - (内耳)

Inner Hebrides - (内赫布里底群岛)

Inner moons of Jupiter - (木星的内部卫星)

Inner Temple - (内庙会)

Innocence - (纯洁性)

Inns of Court - (法院院线)

Innsbruck-Land District - (因斯布鲁克-兰德区)

Innuendo - (暗示)

Inquisition - (宗教裁判所)

Insanity defense - (精神错乱辩护)

Insect - (昆虫)

Insei - (院政)

Insertion device - (插入装置)

Insight - (洞察力)

Insignia - (徽章)

Insolation - (日射量)

Insomniac Games - (Insomniac Games)

Inspiration - (灵感)

Instant messaging - (即時通訊)

Instant Runoff Voting - (排序複選制)

Instinct - (本能)

Institut catholique d'arts et métiers - (天主教艺术与工艺学院)

Institut d'optique Graduate School - (光学院研究生院)

Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement - (生命与环境科学和工业研究所)

Institut national des sciences appliquées de Toulouse - (图卢兹国家应用科学研究所)

Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse - (图卢兹国立理工学院)

Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace - (法国高等航空航天学院)

Institut supérieur international du parfum, de la cosmétique et de l'aromatique alimentaire - (国际香水、化妆品和食品芳香剂高级研究所(Institut supérieur international du parfum, de la cosmétique et de l'aromatique al.)

Institution - (制度)

Instruction (computer science) - (指令)

Instruction pipelining - (指令管線化)

Instrument of Surrender - (投降书)

Insular Italy - (意大利岛国)

Insulin - (胰岛素)

Insult - (侮辱)

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety - (美國公路安全保險協會)

Integral - (积分)

Integrated Authority File - (综合权限文件)

Integrated circuit - (集成电路)

Integron - (整合子 )

Intel Core - (英特尔酷睿)

Intellectual property - (知识产权)

Intelligence - (智力)

Intelligence agency - (情报机构)

Intelligence quotient - (智商)

Intelligent design - (智能设计)

Intensity of preference - (倾向性的强度)

Intensive farming - (精耕细作)

Interactive whiteboard - (交互式白板)

Interchange - (交汇点)

Interchangeable parts - (可互换零件 )

InterCity 125 - (城际125)

Intercontinental Cup - (洲際盃足球賽)

Intercontinental Cup (football) - (洲际杯)

Interdisciplinarity - (科际整合)

Interference - (干涉 (物理学))

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - (政府間氣候變化專門委員會)

Interlingua - (因特語)

Interlingua grammar - (Interlingua语法)

Intermediate cartridge - (中间型威力枪弹)

Internal energy - (内能)

Internal Revenue Service - (美国国家税务局)

International Atomic Energy Agency - (国际原子能机构)

International Baccalaureate - (国际学士学位课程(International Baccalaureate)

International Committee of the Red Cross - (红十字国际委员会)

International Court of Justice - (国际法院)

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - (公民權利和政治權利國際公約)

International Criminal Court - (国际刑事法院)

International Data Encryption Algorithm - (國際資料加密演算法)

International Date Line - (国际日期变更线)

International economics - (国际经济学)

International General Certificate of Secondary Education - (IGCSE)

International Harvester Scout - (国际收割机侦察兵)

International Ice Hockey Federation - (国际冰球联合会)

International Opium Convention - (国际鸦片公约)

International PEN - (国际笔会)

International Phonetic Alphabet - (國際音標)

International Space Station - (国际空间站)

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