
百科全书文章始于字母 A

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A - (A)

A (musical note) - (A(音符))

A Boy Named Sue - (A Boy Named Sue)

A Brief History of Time - (时间简史)

A cappella - (無伴奏合唱)

A Christmas Carol - (小氣財神)

A Clockwork Orange - (發條橘子)

A Clockwork Orange (movie) - (發條橘子 (電影))

A Daughter of the Congo - (刚果的女儿)

A Fever You Can't Sweat Out - (汗流浃背的发烧症)

A Fish Called Wanda - (一条叫旺达的鱼)

A Hard Day's Night - (一夜狂欢)

A major - (A大調)

A Midsummer Night's Dream - (仲夏夜之夢)

A minor - (A小調)

A Perfect Circle - (一个完美的圆)

A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery - (哲学家讲授奥尔良的故事)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - (艺术家年轻时的肖像》(A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)

A Prairie Home Companion - (草原上的家伴》(A Prairie Home Companion)

A Study in Scarlet - (血字的研究)

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - (女權辯護)

A&W (Canada) - (A&W (加拿大))

A* search algorithm - (A*搜索算法)

A-flat major - (降A大調)

A-flat minor - (降A小調)

A-League - (澳大利亞職業足球聯賽)

A. P. Hill - (安布罗斯·鲍威尔·希尔)

A. Philip Randolph - (A.Philip Randolph)

A.C. Milan - (AC米兰)

A.I. Artificial Intelligence - (A.I. 人工智能)

A.I. Artificial Intelligence - (A.I. 人工智能)

A.N.T. Farm - (天才學園)

A.N.T. Farm - (A.n.t.农场 )

A1 Grand Prix - (A1 大奖赛)

A1 road - (A1路)

A1 road (Great Britain) - (A1公路)

A14 road - (A14公路)

Aachen Cathedral - (亚琛大教堂)

Aaliyah - (Aaliyah)

Aamir Khan - (Aamir Khan)

Aang - (Aang)

Aardwolf - (土狼)

Aaron Alexandre - (Aaron Alexandre)

Aaron Copland - (阿隆·科普兰)

Aaron Kwok - (郭富城)

Aaron Nimzovich - (阿龙·尼姆佐维奇)

Aaron Ramsey - (阿伦-拉姆齐)

Aaron Sherritt - (Aaron Sherritt)


Abacus - (算盘)

Abalone - (鲍鱼)


Abbasid Caliphate - (阿拔斯王朝)

Abbeville, Alabama - (阿拉巴马州阿贝维尔)

Abbeville, Alabama - (阿拉巴马州阿贝维尔)

Abbey Road Studios - (阿比路工作室)

Abbie Hoffman - (Abbie Hoffman)

Abbotsford, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州阿博斯福市)

Abbotsford, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州阿博斯福市)

Abbreviation - (縮寫)

Abd al-Qadir al-Gillani - (阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·吉拉尼)

Abderrahmane Hammad - (Abderrahmane Hammad)

Abdominal migraine - (腹部偏头痛)

Abduction - (绑架)

Abdul Rahman of Negeri Sembilan - (森美兰的阿卜杜勒-拉赫曼)

Abdullah Öcalan - (阿卜杜拉·奥贾兰)

Abdus Salam - (阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆)

Abel - (阿贝尔)

Abel Pardo - (阿贝尔-帕尔多)

Abel Tasman - (阿贝尔-塔斯曼)

Abelardo Montalvo - (阿贝拉多-蒙塔尔沃)

Abelisaurus - (阿貝力龍屬)

Abell 2029 - (阿贝尔2029)

Abenaki language - (阿贝纳基语)

Abercrombie - (阿伯克龙比)

Aberdeen - (阿伯丁)

Aberdeen Airport - (阿伯丁机场)

Aberdeen F.C. - (阿伯丁足球俱乐部)

Aberdeen F.C. - (香港仔F.C.)

Abhisit Vejjajiva - (Abhisit Vejjajiva)

Abigail and Brittany Hensel - (阿比盖尔和布列塔尼-亨塞尔)

Abigail Fillmore - (Abigail Fillmore)

Abigail Spencer - (Abigail Spencer)

Abilene, Kansas - (堪萨斯州阿比林市)

Abilene, Kansas - (堪萨斯州阿比林市)

Abkhazia - (阿布哈茲)

Ableism - (无能主义)

Abnormal psychology - (異常心理學)

Aboriginal art - (土著艺术)

Aboriginal land rights in Australia - (澳大利亚的原住民土地权利)

Aboriginal Land Trust - (土著土地信托)

Abortion - (人工流产)

Abraham de Moivre - (亚伯拉罕-德-莫伊夫尔)

Abraham Lincoln - (亚伯拉罕-林肯)

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum - (亚伯拉罕-林肯总统图书馆和博物馆)

Abrahamic religion - (亞伯拉罕諸教)

Abrahams Well International Visitors Center - (亚伯拉罕井国际游客中心)

Abram Games - (阿布拉姆游戏)

Abrictosaurus - (醒龍屬)

Abscess - (膿瘍)

Absinthe - (苦艾酒)

Absolute monarchy - (绝对君主制)

Absolute zero - (绝对零度)

Absorption - (吸收)

Abstract art - (抽象藝術)

Abstraction - (抽象法)

Abu Simbel temples - (阿布辛拜勒神廟)

Abydos King List - (阿比多斯国王名单)

Acacia baileyana - (贝利氏相思)

Academic degree - (学位)

Academic Ranking of World Universities - (世界大学学术排名)

Academy Award for Animated Short Film - (奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖)

Academy Award for Best Costume Design - (奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖)

Academy Award for Best Documentary (Short Subject) - (奥斯卡最佳纪录短片奖)

Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature - (奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖)

Academy Award for Best Picture (1970s) - (奥斯卡最佳影片奖)

Academy Award for Best Production Design - (奥斯卡最佳制作设计奖)

Academy of the Hebrew Language - (希伯来语科学院)

Acanthocephala - (棘头动物门)

Acanthopholis - (棘甲龍屬)

Acarajé - (Acarajé)

Acarina - (蜱蟎亞綱)

Acastus - (阿卡斯图斯 (神话))

Acceleration - (加速)

Acceleration due to gravity - (重力导致的加速度)

Accent - (口音 (社會語言學))

Accident - (意外事故)

Accipitriformes - (鷹形目)

Accompaniment - (伴奏)

Accounting - (会计学)

Accra - (阿克拉)

Accuracy and precision - (测量精度)

Accusative case - (宾格)

Aceh - (亞齊特區)

Acephalgic migraine - (偏头痛Acephalgic偏头痛)

Achaemenid Empire - (阿契美尼德王朝)

Achilles - (阿喀琉斯)

Achondroplasia - (软骨症(Achondroplasia)

Acid - (酸)

Acid rain - (酸雨)

Acid throwing - (泼酸 )

Acne - (痤疮)

Acoelomorpha - (無腔動物)

Acoustic - (声学)

Acoustic guitar - (原声吉他)

Acre (state) - (阿克里州)

Acritarch - (疑源类)

Acrobatics - (杂技)

Acrocanthosaurus - (高棘龍屬)

Acromegaly - (肢端肥大症)

Acronym - (首字母縮略字)

Across the Universe (movie) - (穿越宇宙(电影))

Act of Congress - (美國國會法)

Actinopterygii - (輻鰭魚)

Active galactic nucleus - (活动星系核)

Active transport - (主动运输)

Acts of the Apostles - (使徒行传)

Acute accent - (急性口音)

Ad astra (phrase) - (阿德斯特拉(短语))

Ad hominem - (訴諸人身)

Adam Jones - (亚当-琼斯)

Adam Laxalt - (亚当-拉克索尔特)

Adam Mickiewicz - (亚当·密茨凯维奇)

Adam Smith - (亚当·斯密)

Ádám Szalai - (Ádám Szalai)

Adam Weishaupt - (亚当-韦索普特(Adam Weishaupt)

Adam's apple - (喉结)

Adamantisaurus - (阿達曼提龍屬)

Adams Morgan - (亚当斯-摩根)

Adana - (阿达纳)

Adapiformes - (兔猴型下目)

Adaptation - (適應)

Adaptive immune system - (适应性免疫系统)

Adaptive radiation - (輻射適應)

Adaptive unconscious - (适应性无意识)

Adasaurus - (惡靈龍屬)

Addition reaction - (加成反应)

Additions to Daniel - (对丹尼尔的补充)

Address bus - (位址匯流排)

Adela Noriega - (Adela Noriega)

Adèle Dumilâtre - (阿黛尔-杜米拉特)

Adenosine triphosphate - (三磷酸腺苷)

Adephaga - (肉食亞目)

Adetokunbo Ademola - (Adetokunbo Ademola)

Adige - (阿迪杰河)

Adjective - (形容词)

Adjustable wrench - (可调式扳手)

Adlai Stevenson II - (阿德莱-史蒂文森二世)

Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum - (阿德勒天文馆和天文学博物馆)

Administrative divisions of Azerbaijan - (阿塞拜疆行政区划)

Administrative divisions of Croatia - (克罗地亚的行政区划)

Administrative divisions of Iran - (伊朗行政区划)

Administrative divisions of Mexico - (墨西哥的行政区划)

Administrator of the Northern Territory - (北部地区行政长官 )

Adobe - (土坯)

Adolescence - (青少年)

Adolf Anderssen - (Adolf Anderssen)

Adolf Hitler - (阿道夫-希特勒)

Adolf von Henselt - (阿道夫-冯-汉塞尔特)

Adolfo Suárez - (阿道夫-苏亚雷斯)

Adolphe Adam - (阿道夫-亚当(Adolphe Adam)

Adolphe Nourrit - (阿道夫-努里特)

Adour - (阿杜尔河)

Adrenal gland - (腎上腺)

Adria Airways - (亚德里亚航空)

Adrian Edmondson - (阿德里安-埃德蒙森)

Adrienne Shelly - (阿德里安娜-谢利)

Adultery - (通奸)

Advance Australia Fair - (前進澳洲美之國)

Advance Auto Parts Clash - (高级汽车零件冲突)

Advanced Encryption Standard - (高级加密标准)

Advanced Light Source - (先进光源 )

Advanced Photo System - (先進攝影系統)

Adventure - (冒險)

Adventure fiction - (冒险小说)

Adventure movie - (冒险片)

Adverb - (副詞)

Advocacy - (倡導)

Adware - (廣告軟體)

Adyar River - (阿迪亚尔河)

Adyar, Chennai - (阿迪亚尔,金奈)

Aegean Sea - (爱琴海)

Aegyptosaurus - (埃及龍屬)

Aeneas - (埃涅阿斯)

Aeolian Islands - (伊奥利亚群岛)

Aerobics - (有氧健身操)

Aeronwy Thomas - (Aeronwy Thomas)

Aeschylus - (埃斯库罗斯)

Aesculus glabra - (斑鸠草(Aesculus glabra))

Aesop - (伊索)

Aestivation - (Aestivation )

Aethelbald of Mercia - (麦西亚的Aethelbald)

Afa Anoaʻi - (Afa Anoaʻi)

Afar Triangle - (阿法爾三角)

Affricate - (语气词)

Afghan Hound - (阿富汗猎犬)

Afghan National Anthem - (阿富汗国歌)

Afghanistan - (阿富汗)

AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars - (AFI的100年...100颗星)

AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars - (AFI的100年...100颗星)

Africa-Eurasia - (歐亞非大陸)

African American Vernacular English - (非洲裔美国人白话英语)

African Americans - (非裔美国人)

African elephant - (非洲大象)

African forest elephant - (非洲森林大象)

African National Congress - (非洲人国民大会)

African palm civet - (非洲椰子猫)

African penguin - (黑脚企鹅)

African plate - (非洲板块)

African Red Toad - (非洲红蟾蜍)

African Sanctus - (非洲圣母)

African Union - (非洲联盟)

African wildcat - (非洲野貓)

Africanized honeybee - (非洲化蜜蜂)

Afrikaans - (南非語)

Afrikaans Language Monument - (南非语纪念碑)

Afro - (非洲人)

Afrotheria - (非洲獸總目)

Afrotropic - (非洲裔美国人)

Afrovenator - (运动员)

Afternoon of a Faun (Nijinsky) - (妖精的午后》(尼金斯基)

Aga Khan II - (阿加汗二世)

Aga Khan III - (阿迦汗三世)

Aga Khan IV - (Aga Khan IV)

Again - (再一次)

Against the Grain - (逆向思维)

Agaricomycetes - (傘菌綱)

Agate - (玛瑙)

Agatha Christie - (阿加莎·克里斯蒂)

Agathis - (Agathis)

Agavaceae - (Agavaceae )

Age Ain't Nothing But a Number - (年龄不过是个数字)

Age of consent - (同意的年龄)

Age of Discovery - (地理大发现)

Age of Enlightenment - (启蒙时代)

Age of majority - (成人年龄)

Age of the Earth - (地球的年齡)

Ageing - (老化)

Agen - (阿根)

Agent - (代理人)

Ages of Man - (人類世紀)

Aggregate fruit - (聚集的水果)

Aggression - (侵略 (社會科學))

Agilodocodon - (阿吉罗多德龙(Agilodocodon))

Agly - (阿格利河)

Agnatha - (無頜總綱)

Agnosticism - (不可知论)

Agoraphobia - (恐高症)

Aguascalientes City - (阿瓜斯卡连特斯市)

Aguascalientes Municipality - (阿瓜斯卡连特斯市)

Agustín Ross Park - (阿古斯丁-罗斯公园)

Ahmad Shah Durrani - (Ahmad Shah Durrani)

Ahmadiyya - (阿赫迈底亚)

Ahmed Mohamed clock incident - (艾哈迈德-穆罕默德时钟事件)

Ahmed Rajib Haider - (Ahmed Rajib Haider)

Ahmed Rushdi - (艾哈迈德-拉什迪)

Aichach-Friedberg - (艾哈奇-弗里德伯格)

Aida - (阿伊达)

AIDS orphan - (艾滋病孤儿)

AIESEC - (国际经济学商学学生会)

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