
百科全书文章始于字母 H

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Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales - (亨利-弗雷德里克,威尔士亲王)

Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales - (亨利-弗雷德里克,威尔士亲王)

Henry I of England - (亨利一世)

Henry II of England - (亨利二世 (英格兰))

Henry J. Kaiser - (Henry J. Kaiser)

Henry J. Kaiser - (亨利·約翰·凱薩)

Henry James - (亨利·詹姆斯)

Henry Miller - (亨利-米勒)

Henry Moore - (亨利-摩尔)

Henry Morton Stanley - (亨利-莫顿-斯坦利)

Henry Purcell - (亨利-珀塞尔)

Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley - (亨利-斯图亚特,达恩利勋爵)

Henry the Young King - (年轻的亨利国王)

Henry VIII - (亨利八世)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - (亨利·華茲華斯·朗費羅)

Henry Walter Bates - (亨利-沃尔特-贝茨)

Henry Willis - (亨利-威利斯)

Hepatitis - (肝炎)

Hepatitis B - (乙型肝炎)

Hepatitis C - (丙型肝炎)

Hephaestus - (Hephaestus)

Heptane - (庚烷)

Heptarchy - (七级制)

Hera - (赫拉)

Heraclitus - (赫拉克利特)

Herald Sun - (先驱太阳报)

Herat Province - (赫拉特省)

Hérault (river) - (埃羅河)

Herb - (香草)

Herbaceous plant - (草本植物)

Herbert Asquith - (Herbert Asquith)

Herbert Hoover - (赫伯特-胡佛)

Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener - (赫伯特-基奇纳,基奇纳第一伯爵。)

Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener - (赫伯特·基奇纳,第一代基奇纳伯爵)

Herbert Spencer - (赫伯特-斯宾塞)

Herbivore - (食草动物)

Hercules (1997 movie) - (大力士 (1997年电影))

Hercules (roller coaster) - (大力士(过山车))

Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur - (赫拉克勒斯在米诺陶洛斯的迷宫中)

Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall - (武仙-北冕座長城)

Herd - (兽群)

Hereditary haemochromatosis - (遗传性血色沉着病)

Heredity - (遗传)

Hereford (cattle) - (海福特牛)

Herefordshire - (赫里福德郡)

Herero language - (赫雷罗语)

Heresy - (異端)

Hereward the Wake - (觉醒的希沃德)

Herman's Hermits - (赫曼的隐士)

Hermanas Mirabal Province - (米拉貝姐妹省)

Hermann Emil Fischer - (Hermann Emil Fischer)

Hermann Göring - (Hermann Göring)

Hermann Müller - (赫尔曼-穆勒)

Hermann Muller - (赫尔曼-穆勒)

Hermaphrodite - (雌雄同體)

Hermippe (moon) - (木卫三十)

Hermitage cats - (冬宮貓)

Hernandez v. Texas - (Hernandez诉德克萨斯州)

Herod the Great - (希律大帝)

Herodotus - (希羅多德)

Heroes of Newerth - (新时代的英雄)

Heroin - (海洛因)

Heron - (鹭科)

Herring gull - (鲱鱼鸥)

Herschel Space Observatory - (赫雪爾太空望遠鏡)

Hershel W. Gober - (Hershel W. Gober)

Hershey–Chase experiment - (好时-追捕实验)

Hertz - (赫兹)

Hertzsprung–Russell diagram - (赫兹普朗-罗素尔图)

Hervé Renaudeau - (埃尔韦-雷诺多)

Hesperornis - (Hesperornis)

Hesse - (黑森州)

Heterochromia - (虹膜異色症)

Heterojunction bipolar transistor - (异质结双极型晶体管)

Heteromyidae - (异形科)

Heuristic - (启发法)

Hexacorallia - (Hexacorallia )

Hexadecimal - (十六进制)

Hexahedron - (六面体)

Hexane - (己烷)

Hexapoda - (六足亞門)

Heydar Aliyev Foundation - (海达尔-阿利耶夫基金会)

Hezbollah - (真主党)

Hibiscus syriacus - (木槿)

hide (musician) - (Hideto )

Hidetaka Miyazaki - (宫崎英高)

Hieracium - (赫拉克族)

Hierarchical database model - (分层数据库模型)

Hierarchy - (等级制度)

Hieroglyph - (象形文字)

Hieronymus Bosch - (赫罗尼姆斯-博世)

Higgs boson - (希格斯玻色子)

Higgs field - (希格斯机制)

High heels - (高跟鞋)

High jump - (跳高)

High Plains (United States) - (高原(美国))

High River - (高河)

High school - (高級中學)

High Wycombe - (海威科姆)

High-rise building - (高层建筑物)

HighBeam Research - (HighBeam研究)

Highland Boundary Fault - (高地边界断层)

Highland cattle - (高地牛)

Highway - (公路)

Hiiumaa - (晓明)

Hijab - (希贾布)

Hijra - (Hijra)

Hikaru Utada - (宇多田光)

Hilary Duff - (希拉里-达夫)

Hilary Putnam - (希拉里·怀特哈尔·普特南)

Hilbert space - (希尔伯特空间)

Hilbert's problems - (希尔伯特的问题)

Hildegard of Bingen - (宾根的希尔德加德)

Hildesheim - (希尔德斯海姆)

Hillary Clinton - (希拉里-克林顿)

Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign - (2016年希拉蕊·柯林頓競選美國總統)

Hilo, Hawaii - (希洛)

Hilo, Hawaii - (希洛 (夏威夷州))

Himachal Pradesh - (喜马偕尔邦)

Himalayan monal - (喜马拉雅山的莫纳尔)

Himalayas - (喜马拉雅山脉)

Himalia group - (喜马拉雅集团)

Himni i Flamurit - (他的名字叫Himni i Flamurit)

Hinche - (欣奇)

Hindko - (Hindko)

Hindu gods - (印度教诸神)

Hindu scripture - (印度教经文)

Hinduism - (印度教)

Hindutva - (Hindutva)

Hines Ward - (海因斯-沃德)

Hinge teeth - (鉸齒)

Hip hop - (嘻哈音樂)

Hippocampus - (海马体)

Hippocrates - (希波克拉底)

Hippopotamus - (河马)

Hiragana - (平假名)

Hiro Yamamoto - (山本宏)

Hirohito - (裕仁)

Hiroshima (book) - (广岛)

Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) - (广岛和平纪念馆(玄武门圆顶馆))

Histamine - (組織胺)

Histogram - (直方图)

Histone - (组蛋白)

Historical geology - (地质年代)

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - (美国总统历史排名)

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - (美国总统的历史排名)

History - (历史)

History (TV channel) - (歷史頻道)

History of ancient Israel and Judah - (古以色列)

History of Asia - (亚洲历史)

History of Australia - (澳大利亚历史)

History of chess - (象棋史)

History of Christianity - (基督教历史)

History of colonialism - (殖民主义的历史)

History of England - (英格蘭歷史)

History of Europe - (欧洲历史)

History of graphic design - (平面设计的历史)

History of Indonesia - (印度尼西亚历史)

History of Ireland - (爱尔兰的历史)

History of Islam - (伊斯兰教的历史)

History of Kansas - (堪萨斯州的历史)

History of Russia - (俄罗斯历史)

History of saffron cultivation - (番红花种植的历史)

History of science - (科学史)

History of Sri Lanka - (斯里蘭卡歷史)

History of Taiwan - (臺灣歷史)

History of the Americas - (美洲历史)

History of the geologic time scale - (地质时间尺度的历史)

History of the Jews in Europe - (欧洲犹太人的历史)

History of the Soviet Union (1985-1991) - (苏联历史(1985-1991年))

History of the United Kingdom - (聯合王國歷史)

History of the United States - (美国历史)

History of the United States (1789–1849) - (美国历史(1789-1849))

History of the United States Constitution - (美国宪法的历史)

History of the University of Kansas - (堪萨斯大学的历史)

History of video game consoles (eighth generation) - (第八世代遊戲機)

History of video game consoles (fifth generation) - (第五世代遊戲機)

History of video game consoles (fourth generation) - (第四世代遊戲機)

History of video game consoles (second generation) - (视频游戏机的历史(第二代))

History of video game consoles (seventh generation) - (第七世代遊戲機)

History of video game consoles (sixth generation) - (视频游戏机的历史(第六代))

History of video game consoles (third generation) - (第三世代遊戲機)

History of Vietnam - (越南歷史)

Hitotsubashi University - (一桥大学)

Hittites - (赫梯人)

Hizb-ul-Mujahideen - (Hizb-ul-Mujahideen)

Hizen Province - (岛津省)

HM Prison Pentridge - (英国皇家监狱Pentridge)

Hmong people - (苗族人)

HMS Endeavour - (努力号三桅帆船)

Hnevank - (Hnevank)

Ho Chi Minh - (胡志明)

Hoatzin - (胡茨林)

Hochfrottspitze - (霍赫弗羅特峰)

Hockenheim - (霍根海姆)

Hockey East - (冰球东部)

Hocus Pocus (movie) - (比方说)

Hod Stuart - (霍德-斯图尔特)

Hodnet, Shropshire - (霍德内特,什罗普郡)

Hōei eruption of Mount Fuji - (宝永大喷发)

Hogshead - (猪头)

Hohenzollern - (霍亨索伦)

Hohes Licht - (上利赫特山)

Holby City - (霍爾比市)

Hole (band) - (空洞樂團)

Holi - (侯丽节)

Holism - (整全觀)

Holland's schema theorem - (荷兰的模式定理)

Hollandaise sauce - (霍兰达酱)

Hollywood Records - (好莱坞唱片公司)

Hollywood Sign - (好莱坞标志)

Holocaust victims - (納粹大屠殺的受害者)

Holocene calendar - (全新世紀年)

Holocene extinction - (全新世大灭绝)

Holodomor - (乌克兰大饥荒)

Holozoa - (霍洛索瓦)

Holy Roman Empire - (神圣罗马帝国)

Holy See - (聖座)

Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) - (圣林(在死亡之谷的阴影中))

Holyhead - (霍利黑德)

Home (2015 film) - (家(2015年电影))

Home appliance - (家电)

Home education - (家庭教育)

Home for the Holidays (movie) - (回家过节(电影))

Home Office - (内政部)

Home page - (主页)

Homelessness - (无家可归)

Homeopathy - (顺势疗法)

Homeostasis - (稳态)

Homer's Night Out - (荷马的夜晚)

Homerton College, Cambridge - (剑桥大学霍默顿学院)

Homestar Runner - (家驹跑者)

Homing pigeon - (信鸽)

Hominid - (类人猿)

Hominidae - (人科)

Hominina - (类人猿)

Homo - (同人)

Homo erectus - (直立人(Homo erectus))

Homo ergaster - (匠人)

Homo floresiensis - (佛罗里达智人)

Homo georgicus - (智人(Homo georgicus)

Homo heidelbergensis - (海德堡人)

Homo rhodesiensis - (罗德西亚人)

Homo sapiens - (智人(Homo sapiens)

Homologous chromosome - (同源染色體)

Homology - (同源性)

Homosexuality - (同性恋)

Homosociality - (同性友爱)

Homotherium - (似劍齒虎屬)

Honda - (本田技研工业)

Honey - (蜂蜜)

Honey bee - (蜜蜂屬)

Honey War - (蜂蜜战争)

Honeydew - (蜜露)

Hong Kong - (香港)

Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge - (港珠澳大橋)

Hongshan Zoo - (南京红山森林动物园 )

Honor killing - (荣誉杀戮)

Honoré Blanc - (霍诺雷-布朗)

Honors music - (荣誉音乐)

Honus Wagner - (何那斯·華格納)

Hook (music) - (钩子(音乐))

Hoosiers - (胡赛人)

Hoplite - (古希臘重裝步兵)

Horatio Alger, Jr. - (Horatio Alger, Jr.)

Horatio Alger, Jr. - (霍瑞修·愛爾傑)

Horatio Nelson - (Horatio Nelson)

Horizontal gene transfer - (水平基因转移)

Hormone - (激素)

Horn (anatomy) - (喇叭(解剖学))

Horn clause - (霍恩子句)

Hornblende - (角闪石(Hornblende)

Horrible Histories (2009 TV series) - (糟糕历史 (2009年电视系列片))

Horror punk - (恐怖朋克)

Horse - (马)

Horse fly - (马蝇)

Horse racing - (賽馬)

Horseradish - (辣根)

Horseshoe - (马蹄铁)

Horsetail - (马尾草)

Horst Köhler - (Horst Köhler)

Horst-Wessel-Lied - (霍斯特·威塞尔之歌)

Hosni Mubarak - (胡斯尼-穆巴拉克)

Hospice - (安宁疗护)

Hossam Hassan - (Hossam Hassan)

Host - (主持人)

Host defence peptide - (抗微生物肽)

Hot air balloon - (热气球)

Hot chocolate - (热巧克力)

Hot dog - (熱狗)

Hot pants - (热裤)

Hot pot - (火锅)

Hotel Mario - (马里奥酒店)

Hôtel Ritz Paris - (巴黎丽兹酒店)

Houmets - (侯麦斯)

Hour record - (小时记录 )

Hourglass dolphin - (沙漏海豚)

House - (住宅)

House (TV series) - (宅院(电视系列))

House of Braganza - (布拉干萨家族)

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