
百科全书文章始于字母 F

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F major - (F大調)

F minor - (F小調)

F-flat major - (降F大调)

F. Scott Fitzgerald - (F.Scott Fitzgerald)

F. Scott Fitzgerald - (弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德)

F. W. de Klerk - (F.W. de Klerk)

F.C. Barcelona - (F.C. Barcelona)

F.C. Barcelona - (巴塞罗那足球俱乐部)

F.C. Red Bull Salzburg - (F.C. Red Bull Salzburg)

Fable - (寓言)

Fable (video game) - (寓言(视频游戏))

Face - (脸部)

Factorization - (因式分解)

Fade (audio engineering) - (渐变)

Fahrenheit 451 - (華氏451度)

Failure rate - (失效率)

Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - (飞兆业共和国A-10雷电II)

Fairy tale - (童話)

Falco - (法尔科)

Falcon - (隼)

Falcon 9 - (猎鹰9号)

Falcon Heavy - (獵鷹重型運載火箭)

Falkland Islands - (福克兰群岛)

Falklands War - (马岛战争)

Fall of Man - (人的堕落)

Fall Out Boy - (打倒男孩)

Fall River, Massachusetts - (福尔里弗 (马萨诸塞州))

Fallen (Evanescence album) - (落入凡間)

Fallingwater - (落水山莊)

Fallout 76 - (辐射76)

Fallow deer - (黇鹿)

Fallow Deer - (黇鹿)

Falmouth, Virginia - (弗吉尼亚州法尔茅斯)

False analogy - (错误的比喻)

False color - (虚假的颜色)

False consensus - (错误的共识)

False dilemma - (错误的两难境地)

False gharial - (馬來長吻鱷)

Falsifiability - (可证伪性)


Family - (家庭)

Family Portrait - (家庭肖像 )

Famitsu - (法米特)

Famous places in Shanghai - (上海著名景点)

Fanny Lú - (范妮-卢)

Fanta - (芬达)

Fantaisie-Impromptu - (幻想曲--即兴曲)

Fantasia - (幻想曲)

Fantasia 2000 - (幻想曲2000)

Fantastic Science Fiction - (神奇的科幻小说)

Fantasy (disambiguation) - (幻想(歧义))

Far East - (遠東)

Far North Region (Cameroon) - (極北區)

Far-right politics - (极右翼政治)

FARC - (哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军)

Fareed Zakaria - (Fareed Zakaria)

Fargo (TV series) - (法戈(电视系列))

Farhang Mehr - (Farhang Mehr)

Farhiyo Farah Ibrahim - (法希约-法拉赫-易卜拉欣)

Farina, South Australia - (南澳大利亚州Farina)

Farm Sanctuary - (农场保护区)

Farming - (农业)

Fårö - (法羅島)

Faroe Islands - (法罗群岛)

Farrah Fawcett - (法拉-福塞特)

Farthing (English coin) - (法丁 )

Fasciola hepatica - (肝脏法氏杆菌)

Fascism - (法西斯主义)

Fashion accessory - (服裝配飾)

Fast casual restaurant - (快速休闲餐厅)

Fasting - (禁食)

Fate - (命運)

Fate (opera) - (缘分)

Fatehpur Sikri - (法泰赫普尔西克里)

Fates Warning - (命运警告)

Fatima Jinnah - (Fatima Jinnah)

Fatimid Caliphate - (法蒂玛王朝)

Fatty acid - (脂肪酸)

Fault (geology) - (断层(地质学))

Faust - (浮士德)

Faust (opera) - (浮士德 (歌劇))

Fauvism - (浮士德主义)

Fax - (傳真)

Faxing Berlin - (柏林传真)

FC Akhmat Grozny - (阿赫玛特-格罗兹尼俱乐部)

FC Astana - (阿斯塔纳俱乐部)

FC Astra Giurgiu - (阿斯特拉足球俱樂部)

FC Botoșani - (博托沙尼足球俱樂部)

FC Dinamo București - (迪纳摩-布库雷俱乐部(FC Dinamo București))

FC Pyunik - (佩歷克足球會)

FC Schalke 04 - (沙尔克04足球俱乐部)

FC Yenisey Krasnoyarsk - (克拉斯诺亚尔斯克的叶尼塞俱乐部)

Feathered dinosaur - (有羽毛恐龍)

Feature phone - (功能型手機)

February - (2月)

February Revolution - (二月革命)

Fecundity - (繁殖力)

Federal Bureau of Investigation - (联邦调查局)

Federal Communications Commission - (联邦通信委员会)

Federal government of the United States - (美國聯邦政府)

Federal Judicial Center - (联邦司法中心)

Federal judiciary of the United States - (美国的联邦司法机构)

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - (南斯拉夫联盟共和国)

Federal Security Service - (联邦安全局)

Federalist Party - (聯邦黨)

Federation of International Bandy - (國際班迪球聯合會)

Federico Fellini - (费德里科-费里尼)

Fedora (operating system) - (Fedora(操作系统))

Feelin' So Good (DVD) - (感觉真好(DVD)

Feigned retreat - (假装撤退)

Feijoa - (飞亚达)

Feistel cipher - (费斯妥密码)

Feliformia - (猫科动物)

Felis - (貓屬)

Félix Guattari - (皮埃尔-菲利克斯·伽塔利)

Felix Mendelssohn - (Felix Mendelssohn)

Felsic - (菲尔西克)

Felt - (氈)

Female ejaculation - (女性射精)

Fen - (矿质泥炭沼泽)

Fenrir - (芬里尔)

Fentanyl - (芬太尼)

Feral - (野生 )

Ferdinand (moon) - (斐迪南(月亮))

Ferdinand Cohn - (Ferdinand Cohn)

Ferdinand II of Aragon - (阿拉贡的斐迪南二世)

Ferdinand Lassalle - (Ferdinand Lassalle)

Ferdinand Magellan - (斐迪南-麦哲伦)

Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany - (斐迪南多-德-美第奇,托斯卡纳大王子)

Ferdinando II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - (斐迪南多二世-德-美第奇,托斯卡纳的大公爵)

Ferenc Fricsay - (Ferenc Fricsay)

Feride Rushiti - (Feride Rushiti)

Fermat number - (費馬數)

Fermat's Last Theorem - (费马大定理)

Fermi-Dirac statistics - (费米-狄拉克统计)

Fermilab - (费米国立加速器实验室)

Fermion - (费米子)

Fermionic condensate - (费米凝聚)

Fern - (蕨类植物 )

Fernando Alonso - (Fernando Alonso)

Fernando Pessoa - (费尔南多-佩索阿)

Fernsehturm - (柏林电视塔)

Ferozpur District - (费罗兹普尔县)

Ferran Adria - (费兰-阿德里亚)

Ferret - (雪貂)

Fertile Crescent - (新月沃土)

Fertilisation of Orchids - (兰花的受精)

Fertility - (生育能力)

Feta cheese - (菲達芝士)

Fethiye - (费特希耶)

Fettuccine Alfredo - (阿尔弗雷德通心粉(Fettuccine Alfredo)

Feud - (血亲复仇)

Fever - (发热)

Feynman diagram - (费曼图)

Fez, Morocco - (摩洛哥,非斯)

Fez, Morocco - (摩洛哥,非斯)

FG 42 - (FG 42)

FIA Super Licence - (FIA超級駕駛執照)

FIBA - (国际篮球联合会)

Fiberglass - (玻璃纤维)

Fibonacci number - (斐波那契数)

Fibreglass - (玻璃纤维)

Fiction - (虛構作品)

Fictional universe - (虛構世界)

Fiddle - (小提琴)


Fidel Castro - (菲德尔-卡斯特罗)

Fidelio - (费德里奥)

Field (physics) - (场 (物理))

Field artillery in the American Civil War - (美国内战中的野战炮兵)

Field gun - (野战炮)

Field hockey - (草地曲棍球)

Field hospital - (野外醫院)

Field Museum of Natural History - (菲爾德自然史博物館)

Field-programmable gate array - (现场可编程逻辑门阵列)

Fierce Creatures - (凶猛的生物)

FIFA - (国际足球联合会)

FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup - (国际足联沙滩足球世界杯)

FIFA World Cup - (國際足協世界盃)

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美國憲法第五修正案)

Fight or flight response - (战斗或逃跑反应)

Fighting Temptation - (与诱惑作斗争)

Figure of speech - (修辞手法)

Figure skating - (花样滑冰)

Filament - (灯丝)

File - (文件)

File allocation table - (檔案配置表)

Filioque clause - (Filioque条款)

Filling Station (ballet) - (加油站(芭蕾舞))

Film noir - (黑色电影)

Fils de France - (法国之子)

Fimbria - (Fimbria)

Fimleikafélag Hafnarfjarðar - (哈夫纳夫约杜尔体操俱乐部)

Fin de siècle - (世紀末)

Final Fantasy - (最終幻想系列)

Financial capital - (金融资本)

Financial Stability Board - (金融稳定委员会)

Finch - (燕雀科)

Finding Dory - (寻找多莉)

Finding Nemo - (海底总动员)

Fine Gael - (爱尔兰统一党)

Fingal’s Cave - (芬格尔洞)

Finished goods - (成品)

Finke River - (芬克河)

Finland - (芬兰)

Finn Balor - (芬恩-巴洛尔)

Finnish language - (芬兰语)

Finsbury Park station - (芬斯伯里公园站)

Fiorello La Guardia - (Fiorello La Guardia)

Fir Park - (杉树公园)

Fire - (火灾)

Fire alarm - (火警)

Fire drill - (消防演習)

Fire ecology - (火灾生态学)

Fire Emblem - (火焰纹章)

Fire extinguisher - (滅火器)

Fire station - (消防站)

Fire-stick farming - (火棒耕作)

Fired Up (Alesha Dixon album) - (火了(Alesha Dixon专辑))

Firefighter - (消防員)

Firefly - (萤火虫)

Firefly (TV series) - (螢火蟲 (電視劇))

FireKeepers Casino 400 - (火力发电厂赌场400)

Fireproof (movie) - (防火》(电影))

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company - (费尔斯通轮胎和橡胶公司)

Firework - (烟火)

Firing squad - (行刑队枪决)

Firmware - (韌體)

First aid - (急救)

First All-Union Philatelic Exhibition - (第一届全联盟集邮展览)

First Baptist Church of Hammond - (哈蒙德第一浸信会 )

First Battle of the Atlantic - (第一次大西洋之战)

First Battle of the Marne - (第一次马恩河战役)

First Battle of Winchester - (第一次溫徹斯特之役)

First Council of Nicaea - (第一次尼西亚会议)

First Dynasty of Egypt - (埃及第一王朝)

First Epistle to the Corinthians - (哥林多前書)

First Fleet - (第一舰队)

First Indochina War - (第一次印度支那戰爭)

First Jewish–Roman War - (犹太战争)

First law of thermodynamics - (热力学第一定律)

First Minister and deputy First Minister - (第一部长和副第一部长)

First Minister of Wales - (威尔士首席部长)

First person - (第一人称)

First person (video games) - (第一人称视角游戏)

First Presbyterian Church (Trenton, New Jersey) - (第一长老会(特伦顿,新泽西)。)

First Spouses of Indonesia - (印度尼西亚的第一任配偶)

First War of Scottish Independence - (第一次苏格兰独立战争)

First-move advantage - (国际象棋中的先手优势 )

First-past-the-post voting - (領先者當選)

Firuz Shah Tughluq - (菲鲁兹-沙阿-图格卢克)

Fish - (鱼)

Fish sauce - (鱼酱)

Fish stock (food) - (鱼群(食物))

Fishbourne Roman Palace - (鱼本罗马宫)

Fishing - (捕魚)

Fishing cat - (漁貓)

Fishing lure - (路亚)

Fisting - (拳交)

Fistula - (瘘管)

Fitness - (適應度)

Five Families - (五大家族)

Five Nights at Freddy's 2 - (玩具熊的五夜後宮2)

Five solas - (五个唯独)

FiveThirtyEight - (FiveThirtyEight)

Flag of Afghanistan - (阿富汗国旗)

Flag of Arkansas - (阿肯色州的旗帜)

Flag of Azad Kashmir - (阿扎德克什米尔旗)

Flag of Azerbaijan - (阿塞拜疆国旗)

Flag of Canada - (加拿大国旗)

Flag of Croatia - (克罗地亚国旗)

Flag of Delaware - (特拉华州州旗)

Flag of Dominican Republic - (多米尼加共和国国旗)

Flag of Greece - (希腊国旗)

Flag of Haiti - (海地國旗)

Flag of Malawi - (马拉维国旗)

Flag of Mali - (马里国旗)

Flag of Mexico - (墨西哥国旗)

Flag of Portland, Oregon - (俄勒冈州波特兰市的旗帜)

Flag of Singapore - (新加坡国旗)

Flag of Slovenia - (斯洛文尼亚国旗)

Flag of the United Kingdom - (英国国旗)

Flag of the United States - (美国国旗)

Flag of Turkey - (土耳其国旗)

Flag of Turkmenistan - (土库曼斯坦国旗)

Flagellum - (鞭毛)

Flageolet - (旗袍)

Flags of the U.S. states and territories - (美国各州和地区的旗帜)

Flame fougasse - (火焰之花)

Flame retardant - (阻燃剂)

Flame test - (焰色反应)

Flamenco - (弗拉明戈)

Flanders - (佛兰德)

Flanking maneuver - (侧翼演习)

Flannel - (绒布)

Flare star - (耀星)

Flash (tattoo) - (闪光灯(纹身))

Flash Airlines Flight 604 - (闪电航空604航班)

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe - (闪电侠戈登征服宇宙》(Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe)

Flashlight - (手电筒)

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