
百科全书文章始于字母 T

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Transfection - (轉染)

Transformation (genetics) - (轉化 (生物))

Transformer - (变压器)

Transformers - (变形金刚)

Transistor - (晶体管)

Transition state - (过渡态)

Transitional fossil - (過渡化石)

Transitivity - (可转性)

Translation - (翻译)

Translation (genetics) - (翻譯 (生物學))

Translocation (botany) - (移栽)

Transmission - (传送)

Transmission Control Protocol - (传输控制协议)

Transmission medium - (传输介质)

TransPennine Express - (TransPennine Express)

Transphobia - (跨性別恐懼症)

Transpiration - (透气性)

Transport - (运输)

Transport for Wales Rail Services - (威尔士铁路服务局)

Transport in Singapore - (新加坡的交通)

Transposing instrument - (移调乐器)

Transposition (music) - (转位(音乐))

Trappist beer - (特拉比斯特啤酒)

Trashigang District - (塔希冈宗)

Trashiyangtse District - (特拉希扬策区)

Traunsee - (特勞恩湖)

Traunstein (mountain) - (特勞恩施泰因山)

Travelcard Zone 5 - (旅行卡5区)

Travelling salesman problem - (旅行推销员问题)

Travis County, Texas - (德克萨斯州特拉维斯县)

Travis County, Texas - (德克萨斯州特拉维斯县)

Travnik - (特拉夫尼克)

Trdat of Iberia - (伊比利亚州的Trdat)

Tread Lightly! - (轻轻地走!)

Treasure Planet - (星银岛)

Treaty of Ghent - (根特条约)

Treaty of Lausanne - (洛桑条约)

Treaty of London (1839) - (1839年伦敦条约)

Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte - (埃普特河畔圣克莱尔条约)

Treaty of Versailles - (凡尔赛条约)

Treaty of Warsaw (1970) - (华沙条约(1970年))

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany - (最终解决德国问题条约)

Treble (singer) - (高音)

Treblinka extermination camp - (特雷布林卡灭绝营)

Tree - (树)

Tree fern - (桫欏目)

Tree frog - (树蛙)

Tree line - (林木線)

Tree of life (biology) - (生命之树(生物学))

Treepie - (树皮)

Trench warfare - (堑壕战)

Trent Green - (特伦特-格林)

Trent Reznor - (特伦特-雷兹诺)

Treponema pallidum - (苍白球菌(Treponema pallidum)

Trettachspitze - (Trettachspitze)

Trevor Linden - (Trevor Linden)

Trevor Noah - (Trevor Noah)

Trey Gowdy - (Trey Gowdy)

Treyarch - (Treyarch)

Tri-State Tornado - (三州龙卷风)

Trial - (审判)

Trial and error - (尝试错误)

Trial in absentia - (缺席审判)

Trial of Conrad Murray - (对康拉德-莫里的审判)

Triangular trade - (三角贸易)

Triangulum galaxy - (三角座星系)

Tribal Hidage - (部落隐蔽性)

Tribune of the plebs - (庶民法庭 )

Triceratops - (三角龍屬)

Trichodesmium - (毛细血管疾病)

Trickery - (骗局)

Trickle-down economics - (涓涓细流经济学)

Tricky - (狡猾的)

Trident - (三叉)

Trier of fact - (事实的特里尔)

Trigger - (触发器)

Triglav (mythology) - (特里格拉夫(神话))

Trilemma - (三难问题)

Trilobite - (三葉蟲)

Trincomalee District - (亭可马里区)

Trinidad and Tobago - (千里達及托巴哥)

Trinny Woodall - (Trinny Woodall)

Trio - (三重奏)

Trio sonata - (三重奏鸣曲 )

Tripartite Pact - (三国同盟条约)

Triple Crown (snooker) - (三冠王 )

Triple DES - (3DES)

Triple H - (三重奏)

Trippie Redd - (特里皮-雷德(Trippie Redd)

Trireme - (三列槳座戰船)

Tristan da Cunha - (特里斯坦-达库尼亚)

Tristan und Isolde - (特里斯坦与伊索尔德)

Triton (moon) - (海卫一)

Tritylodont - (三瘤齒獸科)

Triumvirate - (三头同盟)

Trivium (liberal arts) - (三艺)

Trolley - (小车)

Trombone - (长号)

Tron - (電子世界爭霸戰)

Trondheim - (特隆赫姆)

Trongsa District - (通萨宗)

Troodon - (傷齒龍屬)

Troodontidae - (傷齒龍科)

Trophallaxis - (三叉戟)

Tropical cyclone - (熱帶氣旋)

Tropical Depression One (2009) - (热带低气压一号(2009年))

Tropical Depression Seven (2003) - (热带低气压七号(2003年))

Tropical Depression Sixteen (2008) - (2008年10月中美洲洪灾)

Tropical Depression Ten (2005) - (热带低气压十号(2005年))

Tropical Depression Ten (2007) - (2007年第十号热带低气压)

Tropical Storm Alpha (2005) - (热带风暴阿尔法(2005年))

Tropical Storm Ana (2003) - (2003年热带风暴安娜)

Tropical Storm Ana (2009) - (热带风暴安娜(2009年))

Tropical Storm Barry (2007) - (2007年热带风暴巴里)

Tropical Storm Beryl - (2012年热带风暴贝里尔)

Tropical Storm Beryl (2006) - (2006年热带风暴贝里尔)

Tropical Storm Chantal (2007) - (2007年热带风暴尚塔尔)

Tropical Storm Chris (2006) - (热带风暴克里斯(2006年))

Tropical Storm Cristobal (2008) - (热带风暴Cristobal(2008年))

Tropical Storm Debby (2006) - (2006年热带风暴黛比)

Tropical Storm Delta (2005) - (热带风暴三角洲(2005年))

Tropical Storm Edouard (2008) - (热带风暴Edouard (2008))

Tropical Storm Erin (2007) - (热带风暴艾琳(2007年))

Tropical Storm Franklin (2005) - (热带风暴富兰克林(2005年))

Tropical Storm Gabrielle (2007) - (2007年热带风暴加布里埃尔)

Tropical Storm Grace (2009) - (2009年热带风暴格雷斯)

Tropical Storm Harvey (2005) - (热带风暴哈维(2005年))

Tropical Storm Ingrid (2007) - (热带风暴英格丽(2007))

Tropical Storm Jose (2005) - (热带风暴何塞(2005年))

Tropical Storm Laura (2008) - (热带风暴劳拉(2008年))

Tropical Storm Lee (2005) - (热带风暴李(2005))

Tropical Storm Olga (2007) - (2007年热带风暴奥尔加)

Tropical Storm Tammy (2005) - (热带风暴塔米(2005年))

Tropical Storm Zeta - (热带风暴泽塔)

Tropical wave - (东风波)

Trouble (Coldplay song) - (烦恼(Coldplay歌曲))

Trough - (沟渠)

Troy - (特洛伊)

Troy Balderson - (Troy Balderson)

Troye Sivan - (特洛伊·希文)

True Blood - (真爱如血)

True bug - (真正的错误)

True Jesus Church - (真耶稣教会)

Truffle - (松露)

Truls Mørk - (Truls Mørk)

Truman Doctrine - (杜鲁门主义)

Trương Tấn Sang - (姜子牙生)

Trust (social sciences) - (信任)

Trust law - (信托法)

Trusty system (prison) - (信任系统(监狱))

Truyère - (特呂耶爾河)

Trygve Lie - (特里格夫-李)

Trypanosoma - (锥虫)

Tryptophan - (色氨酸)

Tsetse fly - (采采蝇)

Tsirang District - (子朗地区)

Tsunami - (海啸)

Tsunami protection engineering - (海啸防护工程)

Tuas Link MRT station - (大士连线地铁站)

Tuatara - (图阿塔拉)

Tube - (管)

Tube feet - (管足 )

Tudor dynasty - (都铎王朝)

Tudor period - (都铎时期)

Tukeit Hill Frog - (图基特山蛙)

Tulsi Gabbard - (Tulsi Gabbard)

Tumbleweed - (風滾草)

Tuna - (金枪鱼)

Tundra - (凍原)

Tunguska event - (通古斯大爆炸)

Tunicate - (Tunicate)

Tunnel - (隧道)

Tuojiangosaurus - (沱江龙)

Tupac Shakur - (Tupac Shakur)

Turbidity - (浊度)

Tureberg - (图雷伯格)

Turhan Bey - (Turhan Bey)

Turkana boy - (图尔卡纳男孩)

Turkey - (土耳其)

Turkey at the Olympics - (奥运会上的土耳其)

Turkic languages - (突厥语)

Turkic peoples - (突厥語民族)

Turkic states - (突厥语族政权列表)

Turkification - (土族化)

Turkish Airlines Flight 981 - (土耳其航空981號班機空難)

Turkish language - (土耳其语)

Turkish State Cemetery - (土耳其国家公墓)

Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic - (土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国)

Turks and Caicos Islands - (特克斯和凯科斯群岛)

Turning movement - (转弯运动)

Turpentine - (松节油)

Turtle - (海龟)

Tuscany - (托斯卡纳大区)

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - (塔斯基吉梅毒試驗)

Tutankhamun - (图坦卡蒙)

Tutu (plant) - (图图)

Tuvalu - (圖瓦盧)

Tuvan People's Republic - (图瓦卢人民共和国)

TV tuner card - (电视调谐器卡)

TVXQ - (東方神起)

TWA Flight 800 - (环球航空800航班)

Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美利坚合众国宪法第十二条修正案)

Twelve Olympians - (奧林匹斯十二主神)

Twenty One Pilots - (二十一名飞行员)

Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美国宪法第二十五条修正案)

Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美國憲法第二十七修正案)

Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美利坚合众国宪法第二十三条修正案)

Twice-cooked pork - (两次熟的猪肉)

Twilight - (暮光之城)

Twilight (2008 movie) - (暮光之城:無懼的愛)

Twilight Dementia - (暮光之城痴呆症)

Twin town - (双子镇)

Twine - (捻线)

Twister (1996 movie) - (龙卷风(1996年电影))

Twitter - (Twitter)

Twix - (Twix)

Two and a Half Men - (好汉两个半)

Two Door Cinema Club - (双门电影俱乐部)

Two-nation theory - (兩國理論)

Twofish - (Twofish)

Twyla Tharp - (特维拉-萨普)

Tyche (planet) - (堤喀 (假想行星))

Tycho Brahe - (Tycho Brahe)

Tyler Perry - (泰勒-佩里)

Tylos - (泰罗斯)

Tylosaurus - (泰尔龙)

Type - (类型)

Type species - (模式種)

Typeface - (字体)

Typhoon Kammuri (2019) - (台风卡姆瑞(2019年))

Typhoon Lekima (2019) - (颱風利奇馬 (2019年))

Typhoon Tip - (台风泰培 (1979年))

Typography - (字体排印学)

Tyra Banks - (泰拉-班克斯)

Tyrannosaurus - (暴龍)

Tyrant - (僭主)

Tyrant flycatcher - (霸王飞鸟)

Tyrosine - (酪氨酸)

Tyrrell County, North Carolina - (北卡罗来纳州泰尔县)

Tyrrell County, North Carolina - (北卡罗来纳州泰尔县)

Tyrrell Racing - (泰瑞尔车队)

Tyson (Percy Jackson) - (泰森(波西-杰克逊))

Tyson Foods - (泰森食品公司)

Tyson Fury - (泰森-弗瑞)

Tytonidae - (草鸮科)

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