
百科全书文章始于字母 A

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Arthur C. Clarke Award - (阿瑟-克拉克奖)

Arthur C. Clarke Award - (阿瑟-克拉克奖)

Arthur Conan Doyle - (阿瑟·柯南·道尔)

Arthur Eddington - (Arthur Eddington)

Arthur Holmes - (阿瑟-霍姆斯)

Arthur Honegger - (阿尔蒂尔·奥涅格)

Arthur Kornberg - (Arthur Kornberg)

Arthur Rubinstein - (阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦)

Arthur Seyß-Inquart - (阿瑟-塞斯-英夸特)

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington - (韦尔斯利)

Artibonite River - (阿蒂博尼特河)

Article (grammar) - (冠词)

Article One of the United States Constitution - (美国宪法第一条)

Article Two of the United States Constitution - (美国宪法第二条)

Artifact - (神器)

Artificial cranial deformation - (人工颅骨变形)

Artificial intelligence - (人工智能)

Artificial neural network - (人工神经网络)

Artificial selection - (人工選擇)

Artillery - (大砲)

Artpop - (流行藝術)

Arts and crafts - (艺术和工艺)

Arts et Métiers ParisTech - (巴黎艺术与设计学院)

Artur Schnabel - (Artur Schnabel)

Arturo Toscanini - (阿图罗-托斯卡尼尼)

Arupadaiveedu - (Arupadaiveedu)

Arvada, Colorado - (科罗拉多州阿瓦达市)

Arvada, Colorado - (科罗拉多州阿瓦达市)

Aryan - (雅利安人)

Aryan race - (雅利安人種)

As the World Turns - (随着世界的转动)

AS-90 - (AS-90)

Asa Butterfield - (阿萨-巴特菲尔德)


Asbestos - (石棉)

Asbury Park, New Jersey - (阿斯伯里公园,新泽西)

Asbury Park, New Jersey - (阿斯伯里公园,新泽西)

Ascaris - (蛔虫)

Ascending node - (升结点)

Ascension - (耶穌升天節)

Ascension Island - (阿森松岛)

Asceticism - (禁慾主義)


Ascoli Piceno - (阿斯科利-皮切诺)

Asexual reproduction - (无性生殖)

Asgard - (阿斯加德)

Ash - (灰烬)

Ash tree - (梣树)

Ashanti (entertainer) - (阿散蒂)

Ashland, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana - (路易斯安那州纳奇托什教区阿什兰)

Ashland, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana - (阿什兰,纳奇托什教区,路易斯安那州)

Ashleigh and Pudsey - (阿什利和帕德西)

Ashley Tisdale - (Ashley Tisdale)

Ashmolean Museum - (阿什莫林博物館)

Ashtown Castle - (阿什镇城堡)

Asia - (亚洲)

Asia Pacific - (亚太地区)

Asiana Airlines Flight 214 - (韩亚航空214航班)

Asiatic linsang - (林狸属)

Asperger syndrome - (亞斯伯格症候群)

Aspergillus - (麴黴屬)

Aspergillus flavus - (黄曲霉菌)

Aspiration - (愿望)

Aspirator - (抽濾管)

Aspirin - (乙酰水杨酸)

Assassination - (刺杀)

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln - (林肯遇刺案)

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria - (萨拉热窝事件)

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - (馬丁·路德·金恩遇刺案)

Assembly language - (汇编语言)

Assembly line - (装配线)

Assisi - (阿西西)

Assisted suicide - (协助自杀)

Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music - (皇家音乐学院联合委员会)

Association - (协会)

Association football - (足球)

Association of Southeast Asian Nations - (东南亚国家联盟)

Assyrian calendar - (亚述日历)

Assyrian genocide - (亚述人的种族灭绝)

Astarte - (阿斯塔特)

Asteroid - (小行星)

Asteroid belt - (主小行星帶)

Asteroid impact prediction - (小行星撞击预测)

Asthma - (哮喘)

Astigmatism - (散光)

Aston Villa F.C. - (阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部)

Aston Villa F.C. - (阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部)

Astrocyte - (星形膠質細胞)

Astrology - (占星术)

Astrometry - (天体测量学)

Astronomer Royal - (皇家天文學家)

Astronomical clock - (天文钟)

Astronomical spectroscopy - (天體光譜學)

Astronomical unit - (天文单位)

Astronomy - (天文學)

Asura - (阿修罗 (印度神话))

Aswan - (阿斯旺)

Aswan Low Dam - (阿斯旺低坝)

Asylum - (庇护)

Asylum seeker - (寻求庇护者)

At bat - (打數)

Atacama Region - (阿塔卡马大区)

Atahualpa - (Atahualpa)

Atalanta B.C. - (阿塔兰特B.C.)

Atari 5200 - (雅达利5200)

Atari Jaguar - (雅达利美洲虎)

Atauro - (阿陶羅島)

Atchison, Kansas - (堪萨斯州艾奇逊市)

Atchison, Kansas - (堪萨斯州艾奇逊市)

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway - (艾奇遜、托皮卡和聖塔菲鐵路)

Atelopus - (阿特罗普斯)

Aterno-Pescara - (阿泰尔诺河)

Athanasian Creed - (亞他那修信經)

Atheism - (无神论)

Athelstan - (Athelstan)

Athena - (雅典娜)

Athletic shoe - (运动鞋)

Athletics - (竞技体育)

Atlanta Campaign - (亚特兰大战役)

Atlanta United FC - (亚特兰大联队俱乐部)

Atlantic Beach, Florida - (佛罗里达州的大西洋海滩)

Atlantic Beach, Florida - (大西洋海滩 (佛罗里达州))

Atlantic City, New Jersey - (大西洋城)

Atlantic City, New Jersey - (大西洋城,新泽西州)

Atlantic Hockey - (大西洋冰球)

Atlantic sailfish - (大西洋旗魚)

Atlantic salmon - (大西洋鲑鱼)

Atlas V - (阿特拉斯五号)

Atmel AVR - (Atmel AVR)

Atmosphere of Earth - (地球大气层)

Atmosphere of Mars - (火星大氣層)

Atmospheric chemistry - (大气化学)

Atmospheric circulation - (大气环流)

Atoll - (环礁)

Atom - (原子)

Atomic Betty - (原子貝蒂)

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - (廣島與長崎原子彈爆炸)

Atomic force microscope - (原子力显微镜)

Atomic mass - (原子量)

Atomic nucleus - (原子核)

Atomic orbital - (原子轨道)

Atomic physics - (原子物理学)

Atomic theory - (原子理論)

Atreyu - (Atreyu)

Attack on Pearl Harbor - (珍珠港事件)

Attacks by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh - (孟加拉国伊斯兰极端分子的袭击事件)

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder - (注意力不足過動症)

Attila the Hun - (匈奴的阿提拉)

Aube (river) - (奧布河)

Aubrey Brain - (奥布里-布赖恩)

Auburn, Alabama - (阿拉巴马州奥本市)

Auburn, Alabama - (阿拉巴马州奥本市)

Auction - (拍卖)

Audible - (有声)

Audio engineer - (音訊工程師)

Audiophile - (发烧友 )

Audit - (審計)

Auditory hallucination - (幻聽)

Augsburg (district) - (奥格斯堡(区))

August - (八月)

Augustana - (奥古斯塔纳)

Auguste Escoffier - (奥古斯特-埃斯科菲耶)

Auguste Rodin - (奥古斯特-罗丹)

Aularches miliaris - (Aularches miliaris)

Aum Shinrikyo - (奥姆真理教)

Aung San Suu Kyi - (昂山素季)

Aurigny Air Services - (Aurigny航空服务)

Aurochs - (原牛)

Aurora - (极光)

Aurora (mythology) - (奥罗拉)

Auschwitz concentration camp - (奥斯威辛集中营)

Austerity - (緊縮政策)

Austin & Ally - (奥斯汀与艾丽)

Austin Powers (character) - (奥斯汀-鲍尔斯(角色))

Austin, Texas - (德克萨斯州奥斯汀市)

Austin, Texas - (德克萨斯州奥斯汀市)

Australasian ecozone - (澳新界)

Australia - (澳大利亚)

Australia at the 2018 Winter Paralympics - (澳大利亚在2018年冬季残奥会上)

Australia Day - (澳大利亞日)

Australia national cricket team - (澳大利亞國家板球隊)

Australia national football team - (澳洲國家足球隊)

Australian Aboriginal astronomy - (澳大利亚土著天文学)

Australian Aboriginal mythology - (住民神话 )

Australian Broadcasting Corporation - (澳大利亚广播公司)

Australian Bureau of Statistics - (澳大利亚统计局)

Australian cinema - (澳大利亞電影)

Australian Convict Sites - (澳大利亚监狱遗址)

Australian country music - (澳大利亚乡村音乐)

Australian Defence Force - (澳大利亚国防军)

Australian dollar - (澳大利亚元)

Australian Football League - (澳大利亞澳式足球聯盟)

Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh) - (里弗斯利)

Australian gold rush - (澳洲淘金热)

Australian green tree frog - (白氏树蛙)

Australian impact structure - (澳大利亚的冲击结构)

Australian Kelpie - (澳大利亚凯比犬)

Australian Labor Party - (澳大利亚工党)

Australian Labor Party (Anti-Communist) - (澳大利亚工党(反共))

Australian Labor Party (NSW) - (澳大利亚工党)

Australian Overland Telegraph Line - (澳大利亚陆路电报线)

Australoid (race) - (澳洲人(种族))

Australopithecine - (南猿)

Australopithecus - (南方古猿)

Australopithecus africanus - (非洲澳洲人(Australopithecus africanus))

Australopithecus anamensis - (湖畔南方古猿)

Australovenator - (ǞǞǞ)

Austria - (奥地利)

Austria-Hungary - (奥匈帝国)

Austrian Grand Prix - (奥地利大奖赛)

Austrian Regional League Central - (奥地利区域联盟中心)

Austrian School - (奥地利学派)

Authority - (权威)

Autism - (自閉症)

Autism rights movement - (自闭症权利运动)

Auto Club Speedway - (汽车俱乐部赛车场)

Auto-Tune - (自动调谐)

Autobahn - (高速公路)

Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia - (哥伦比亚联合自卫军)

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari - (安佐與迪諾·法拉利賽道)

Autódromo José Carlos Pace - (若澤·卡洛斯·帕塞賽道)

Autofocus - (自动对焦)

AutoHotkey - (AutoHotkey)

AutoIt - (AutoIt)

Autolycus of Pitane - (皮坦尼的奥托利库斯)

Automated external defibrillator - (自動體外心臟去顫器)

Automated teller machine - (自動櫃員機)

Automatic rifle - (自动步枪)

Automation - (自动化)

Automaton - (抽象機器)

Automeris io - (自动驾驶)

Automobili Turismo e Sport - (浪漫主义与运动汽车)

Automotive lighting - (汽车照明)

Autonomous communities of Spain - (西班牙自治區)

Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija - (科索沃和梅托希亚自治省)

Autonomous regions of China - (中国各自治区)

Autophagy - (自噬)

Auvergne - (奥弗涅)

Auxiliary sciences of history - (历史的辅助性科学)

Auxin - (生長素)

Avadi - (阿瓦迪)

Avalanche - (雪崩)

Avalanche effect - (雪崩效应)

Avalon (song) - (阿瓦隆)

Avatar - (化身 (印度教))

Avatar (2009 movie) - (阿凡达)

Avemetatarsalia - (阿维梅塔萨利亚)

Averroes - (伊本·魯世德)

Aveyron (river) - (阿韋龍河)

Aviacsa - (阿维卡萨)

Avicenna - (伊本·西那)

Avignon - (阿维尼翁)

Avijit Roy - (阿维吉特-罗伊)

Aviva - (英傑華集團)

Avolar - (阿沃拉)

Avon River (Gippsland, Victoria) - (埃文河(吉普斯兰,维多利亚州))

Avril Lavigne (album) - (艾薇兒·拉維尼 (專輯))

Away goals rule - (作客入球優惠制)

Axial Age - (轴心时代)

Aye-aye - (指猴)

Aylesford, Nova Scotia - (艾尔斯福德,新斯科舍省)

Aylesford, Nova Scotia - (艾尔斯福德,新斯科舍省)

Ayman al-Zawahiri - (艾曼-扎瓦赫里)

Ayn Rand - (艾茵·兰德)

Ayyavazhi - (阿亞瓦芝)

Azad Kashmir - (自由克什米爾)

Azali - (阿扎里)

Azerbaijan - (阿塞拜疆)

Azerbaijan at the Olympics - (奥运会上的阿塞拜疆)

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum - (阿塞拜疆地毯博物馆)

Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - (亞塞拜然民主共和國)

Azerbaijan Grand Prix - (亞塞拜然大獎賽)

Azerbaijan Railways - (阿塞拜疆鐵路)

Azerbaijani Armed Forces - (阿塞拜疆武装部队)

Azerbaijani carpet - (阿塞拜疆地毯)

Azerbaijani food - (阿塞拜疆飲食)

Azerbaijani language - (阿塞拜疆语)

Azerbaijani National Guard - (阿塞拜疆国民警卫队)

Azerbaijani people - (阿塞拜疆族)

Azores - (亚速尔群岛)

Azorina vidalii - (阿佐丽娜-维达利(Azorina vidalii))

Aztec mythology - (阿茲特克神話)

Aztec Ruins National Monument - (阿兹特克遗址国家纪念碑)

Aztecs - (阿兹特克人)

Azua Province - (阿蘇阿省)

Azua, Dominican Republic - (阿苏阿,多米尼加共和国)

Azuki bean - (小豆子)

Azure kingfisher - (蔚蓝的翠鸟)

Æsir - (阿萨神族)

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