
百科全书文章始于字母 L

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Leonardo DiCaprio - (莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥)

Leonhard Euler - (欧拉)

Leonid Brezhnev - (列昂尼德·伊里奇·勃列日涅夫)

Leonid Hurwicz - (Leonid Hurwicz)

Leopard - (豹子)

Leopold and Loeb - (利奥波德和勒布)

Leopold Poetsch - (Leopold Poetsch)

Leopold Šťastný - (Leopold Šťastný)

Leopold, Duke of Lorraine - (洛林公爵利奥波德)

Leopoldo Alas - (Leopoldo Alas)

Leoš Janáček - (利奥什-雅纳切克)

Lepidoptera - (鱗翅目)

Leprechaun - (妖精)

Leprosy - (麻风病)

Leptospirosis - (鉤端螺旋體病)

Leroy Sané - (Leroy Sané)

Les Cayes - (Les Cayes)

Les contes d'Hoffmann - (Les contes d'Hoffmann)

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon - (亞維農的少女)

Les noces - (梦之城_梦之城娱乐_梦之城国际娱乐_梦之城国际娱乐平台)

Les nuits d'été - (夏夜之歌)

Les Septvallons - (胜利者)

Les Six - (六人团)

Les Sylphides - (Les Sylphides)

Les XX - (莱斯XX)

Lesbian kiss episode - (女同性恋吻的情节)

Leshy - (莱西)

Leslie Lemke - (Leslie Lemke)

Leslie Orgel - (Leslie Orgel)

Lesse - (莱斯 (摩泽尔省))

Lesser bandicoot rat - (小带子鼠)

Lesser black-backed gull - (小黑背鷗)

Lesson - (授课)

Lester B. Pearson - (Lester B. Pearson)

Leszek Kołakowski - (莱谢克·科拉科夫斯基)

LeToya Luckett - (LeToya Luckett)

Letter - (字母)

Letter bomb - (郵包炸彈)

Letter case - (字母大小写)

Letter from Birmingham Jail - (来自伯明翰监狱的信)

Letters patent - (專利特許證)

Leukemia - (白血病)

Lever-action firearms - (杠杆式火器)

Levi Strauss - (李维·斯特劳斯)

Levon Aronian - (列冯·阿罗尼扬)

Levon Mkrtchyan - (Levon Mkrtchyan)

Levon Ter-Petrossian - (Levon Ter-Petrossian)

Lewis and Clark Expedition - (刘易斯与克拉克远征)

Lewis and Harris - (劉易斯-哈里斯島)

Lewis Carroll - (路易斯·卡羅)

Lewis Cass - (刘易斯-卡斯)

Lewis Hamilton - (刘易斯-汉密尔顿)

Leyden jar - (莱顿瓶)

Leyland, Lancashire - (莱兰,兰开夏郡)


LGBT rights in the United Kingdom - (英國LGBT權益)

Lhuntse District - (隆子区)

Li Bai - (李白)

Li people - (黎族)

Li Xiaoxia - (李晓霞)

Liancourt Rocks - (莲古岩)

Liao dynasty - (辽代)

Liberal arts - (博雅教育)

Liberal Democrats - (自由民主党 (英国))

Liberal Party (1922) - (自由党(1922年))

Liberal Party (UK) - (自由党 (英国))

Liberia - (利比里亚)

Liberland - (利伯蘭自由共和國)

Libertarian Party (Spain) - (自由主义党(西班牙))

Libertarian Party (United States) - (自由主义党(美国))

Libertarianism - (自由意志主義)

Liberty - (自由)

Liberty Bell - (自由钟)

Liberty Mutual - (利寶互助保險)

Libra (astrology) - (天秤座)

Library - (图书馆)

Library of Alexandria - (亚历山大图书馆)

Library of Congress Control Number - (美国国会图书馆控制号)

Libretto - (歌劇劇本)

LIBRIS - (リバイス)

LibriVox - (录音机)

Libya - (利比亚)

Lichtenberg-Hohenschönhausen - (利希滕贝格-霍恩肖恩豪森)

Lichtenstein, Saxony - (利希滕斯坦,萨克森州)

Licinius - (利西纽斯)

Lie - (谎言)

Liechtenstein - (列支敦斯登)

Lied - (藝術歌曲)

Liège - (列日)

Liège Airport - (列日机场)

Lienz District - (连茨区)

Lierna - (里尔纳)

Lieutenancies Act 1997 - (1997年中尉法)

Lieutenant commander - (中校 )

Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man - (马恩岛的副总督)

Life - (生命)

Life cycle - (生物生命週期)

Life expectancy - (预期寿命)

Life on Mars (TV series) - (火星上的生活(电视系列))

Life on the Fast Lane - (快车道上的生活)

Lifeline (crisis support service) - (生命線 (熱線))

Lift (force) - (升力)

Ligament - (韧带)

Ligand - (配體)

Ligature (typography) - (合字)

Light - (光)

Light bulb - (灯泡)

Light clock - (光钟 )

Light curve - (光线曲线)

Light microscope - (光学显微镜)

Light music - (轻音乐)

Light-dependent reaction - (依赖于光的反应)

Light-emitting diode - (發光二極管)

Lightning - (闪电)

LIGO - (激光干涉引力波天文台)

Lika-Senj County - (利卡-森吉县)

Like - (喜欢)

Like a Virgin (song) - (像个处女(歌曲))

Lil Bub - (莉-布博)

Lil Wayne - (李尔-韦恩)

Lila Downs - (莱拉-唐斯)

Lilian Jackson Braun - (莉莉安-杰克逊-布劳恩)

Liliane Bettencourt - (莉莉安-贝当古(Liliane Bettencourt)

Lille - (里尔)

Lilo & Stitch - (星际宝贝)

Lilo Pelekai - (利罗-佩莱凯)

Lime (color) - (青柠色)

Lime (material) - (石灰)

Limerick F.C. - (利麥立克足球會)

Limited war - (有限戰爭)

Limnognathia - (微颚动物)

Limoges - (利摩日)

Limpet - (Patellogastropoda )

Lincoln - (林肯 (消歧義))

Lincoln Castle - (林肯城堡)

Lincoln Chafee - (林肯-查菲)

Lincoln Chafee 2016 presidential campaign - (林肯-查菲2016年总统竞选)

Lincoln Park Zoo - (林肯公园动物园)

Lincoln's Inn - (林肯律师事务所)

Lincoln, Nebraska - (内布拉斯加州林肯市)

Lincoln, Nebraska - (林肯 (内布拉斯加州))

Linda Lovelace - (琳达-拉芙蕾丝)

Linda McCartney - (琳达-麦卡特尼)

Linda Partridge - (琳达-帕特奇)

Lindau (district) - (林道(区))

Lindisfarne Gospels - (林迪斯法恩福音書)

Lindsay Lohan - (林赛-罗汉)

Lindsey (kingdom) - (林西)

Line (disambiguation) - (线路(歧义))

Line of Control - (印巴停火线)

Line of Duty - (重任在肩)

Line of succession to the British throne - (英国王位的继承线)

Line-item veto - (直列项目否决权)

Lineal championship - (正统冠军)

Linear A - (线形文字A)

Linear B - (线形文字B)

Linear regression - (線性回歸)

Linezolid - (利奈唑胺)

Linguistic reduction - (语言上的减少)

Linguistics - (语言学)

Lingula - (林古拉)

Link reaction - (链接反应)

Linkin Park - (聯合公園)

Linking verb - (连接动词)

Linkinhorne - (林肯霍恩)

Linnean Society of London - (倫敦林奈學會)

Linsang - (临湘)

Linus Pauling - (莱纳斯-鲍林)

Linus Torvalds - (林纳斯·托瓦兹)

Linux - (Linux)

Linux distribution - (Linux分布)

Lion - (狮)

Lion-tailed macaque - (狮尾猕猴)

Lionel Messi - (梅西(Lionel Messi))

Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence - (安特卫普公爵莱昂内尔)

Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence - (安特衛普的萊昂內爾)

Lions in heraldry - (纹章学中的狮子)

Liopleurodon - (滑齒龍屬)

Lipid - (脂類)

Lipid bilayer - (磷脂双分子层)

Liqueur - (力娇酒)

Liquid - (液体)

Liquid crystal display - (液晶显示器)

Lira da braccio - (Lira da braccio)

Liri - (利里河)

Liria Palace - (里尔雅宫)

Lise Meitner - (莉泽·迈特纳)

List of African dinosaurs - (非洲恐龙名单)

List of animal phyla - (动物界一览表)

List of Arizona hurricanes - (亚利桑那州飓风清单)

List of Asian American Medal of Honor recipients - (美国亚裔荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Atlantic hurricane seasons - (大西洋飓风季节列表)

List of Atlantic hurricanes in the 17th century - (17世纪的大西洋飓风名单)

List of Atlantic hurricanes in the 18th century - (18世纪的大西洋飓风名单)

List of Austin & Ally episodes - (奥斯汀与艾丽》剧集列表)

List of Australian Leaders of the Opposition - (澳大利亚反对派领导人名单)

List of awards and nominations received by Bryan Adams - (布莱恩-亚当斯获得的奖项和提名列表)

List of best-selling albums worldwide - (全球最畅销专辑排行榜)

List of best-selling singles worldwide - (全球最畅销的单曲名单)

List of boroughs and census areas in Alaska - (阿拉斯加的行政区和人口普查区名单)

List of bridges - (桥梁清单)

List of brightest stars - (最亮的星星列表)

List of British Royal Residences - (英国皇室居住地名单)

List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes - (吸血鬼猎人巴菲》剧集列表)

List of Byzantine Emperors - (拜占庭皇帝名单)

List of Calgary Flames players - (卡尔加里火焰队球员名单)

List of Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes - (大西洋5级飓风名单)

List of Chicago Blackhawks players - (芝加哥黑鹰队球员名单)

List of cities in Bolivia - (玻利维亚的城市名单)

List of cities in Idaho - (爱达荷州的城市名单)

List of cities in Illinois - (伊利诺伊州的城市名单)

List of cities in Iowa - (爱荷华州的城市名单)

List of cities in Texas - (德克萨斯州的城市名单)

List of cities in the Dominican Republic - (多米尼加共和国的城市名单)

List of colonial governors of Ruanda-Urundi - (罗安达-乌鲁迪的殖民地总督名单)

List of Columbia Records artists - (哥伦比亚唱片公司的艺术家名单)

List of counties in Alabama - (阿拉巴马州各县名单)

List of counties in Arizona - (亚利桑那州的县级市名单)

List of counties in Arkansas - (阿肯色州的郡县名单)

List of counties in Connecticut - (康涅狄格州的郡县名单)

List of counties in Iowa - (爱荷华州的郡县名单)

List of counties in Missouri - (密苏里州的郡县名单)

List of counties in Montana - (蒙大拿州的郡县名单)

List of counties in New Hampshire - (新罕布什尔州的县名列表)

List of counties in New York - (纽约州各县名单)

List of counties in Rhode Island - (罗得岛州的郡县名单)

List of counties in South Dakota - (南达科他州的郡县名单)

List of counties in Vermont - (佛蒙特州各县名单)

List of counties in Wyoming - (怀俄明州的县级市名单)

List of countries by continents - (按大洲分列的国家名单)

List of countries by Human Development Index - (按人类发展指数分列的国家名单)

List of crossings of the River Thames - (泰晤士河的渡口名单)

List of current champions in WWE - (WWE现任冠军名单)

List of current heads of state and government - (现任国家元首和政府首脑名单)

List of current NHL captains and alternate captains - (现任NHL队长和候补队长名单)

List of decades - (十年名单)

List of Detroit Red Wings players - (底特律红翼队球员名单)

List of Disney animated movies - (迪士尼动画电影列表)

List of Disney Channel series - (迪士尼频道剧集列表)

List of districts in Haryana - (哈里亚纳邦的地区名单)

List of districts in Kerala - (喀拉拉邦各县名单)

List of districts in Madhya Pradesh - (中央邦的地区名单)

List of districts in Tamil Nadu - (泰米尔纳德邦各县名单)

List of English football stadiums by capacity - (按容量划分的英格兰足球场列表)

List of European dinosaurs - (欧洲恐龙名单)

List of FIFA World Cup finals - (国际足联世界杯决赛名单)

List of figures in Greek mythology - (希腊神话中的人物名单)

List of Florida state parks - (佛罗里达州公园列表)

List of foods named after people - (以人名命名的食物清单)

List of Formula One circuits - (一级方程式赛车场列表)

List of Formula One Grands Prix - (一级方程式大奖赛名单)

List of Formula One World Championship points scoring systems - (一级方程式世界锦标赛积分计分系统列表)

List of Formula One World Constructors' Champions - (一级方程式世界车队冠军名单)

List of Formula One World Drivers' Champions - (一级方程式世界车手冠军名单)

List of French monarchs - (法国君主名单)

List of fruits - (水果清单)

List of General Secretaries of the Soviet Union - (苏联总书记名单)

List of genetic disorders - (遗传性疾病列表)

List of governors of South Carolina - (南卡罗来纳州的州长名单)

List of Hispanic Medal of Honor recipients - (西班牙裔荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Interstate Highways - (州际公路一览表)

List of islands by area - (按面积排列的岛屿名单)

List of Jupiter's moons - (木星卫星列表)

List of Korean family names - (韩国人的姓氏列表)

List of Korean War Medal of Honor recipients - (朝鲜战争荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of lakes of Azerbaijan - (阿塞拜疆的湖泊列表)

List of languages by number of native speakers - (按母语使用者人数排列的语言列表)

List of large wind farms - (大型风电场名单)

List of last surviving World War I veterans by country - (按国家分列的最后幸存的一战老兵名单)

List of Latin phrases - (拉丁语短语列表)

List of living Medal of Honor recipients - (在世的荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of locations in Kansas - (堪萨斯州的地点清单)

List of longest-living state leaders - (最长寿的国家领导人名单)

List of Lords Provost of Dundee - (邓迪的上议院议员名单)

List of Madonna tours - (麦当娜巡演名单)

List of Manhattan neighborhoods - (曼哈顿社区名单)

List of mayors of Hamburg - (汉堡市市长名单)

List of Medal of Honor recipients - (荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Medal of Honor recipients (Veracruz) - (荣誉勋章获得者名单(韦拉克鲁斯州))

List of Medal of Honor recipients during peacetime - (和平时期的荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Medal of Honor recipients for the Battle of Iwo Jima - (硫磺岛战役荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Medal of Honor recipients for the Vietnam War - (越战荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Medal of Honor recipients for World War I - (第一次世界大战荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of Medal of Honor recipients for World War II - (二战荣誉勋章获得者名单)

List of medical abbreviations - (医学缩略语清单)

List of Melbourne railway stations - (墨尔本火车站列表)

List of members of the Hockey Hall of Fame - (冰球名人堂的成员名单 )

List of Mensans - (Mensans名单)

List of Miss America winners - (美国小姐获奖者名单)

List of monarchs of Mercia - (Mercia的君主名单)

List of monarchs of Wessex - (威塞克斯的君主名单)

List of Montreal Canadiens players - (蒙特利尔加拿大人队球员名单)

List of most visited art museums in the world - (世界上参观人数最多的艺术博物馆名单)

List of most-subscribed YouTube channels - (订阅量最大的YouTube频道列表)

List of municipalities in Louisiana - (路易斯安那州的城市名单)

List of municipalities in Nova Scotia - (新斯科舍省的市镇名单)

List of national museums - (国家博物馆名单)

List of national universities in Japan - (日本国立大学名单)

List of nearest stars - (最近的星星列表)

List of NHL statistical leaders - (NHL统计学领袖名单)

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