
百科全书文章始于字母 P

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Primary and secondary legislation - (初级和二级立法)

Primary color - (主要颜色)

Primary school - (小学)

Primate - (灵长目)

Primate city - (首要型都市)

Prime Minister of Malawi - (马拉维总理)

Prime Minister of North Macedonia - (北马其顿总理)

Prime Minister of Singapore - (新加坡總理)

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - (英国首相)

Prime number - (素数)

Prime number theorem - (質數定理)

Primer (movie) - (引子(电影))

Primo Levi - (Primo Levi)

Primogeniture - (长子继承权)

Primula - (報春花屬)

Prince (musician) - (王子)

Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark - (希腊和丹麦的安德鲁王子)

Prince Andrew, Duke of York - (約克公爵安德魯王子)

Prince Andrew, Duke of York - (安德鲁王子,约克公爵)

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn - (康诺特和斯特拉赫恩公爵亚瑟王子)

Prince Carl Philip of Sweden - (卡爾·菲利普王子 (瑞典))

Prince du sang - (王子桑)

Prince Fielder - (费尔德王子)

Prince Josias of Coburg - (科堡王子约西亚斯)

Prince of Carignan - (卡里尼昂王子)

Prince of Condé - (孔代亲王)

Prince of Wales Trophy - (威爾斯王子獎)

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh - (菲利普公爵)

Prince William Sound - (威廉王子湾)

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge - (威廉王子,剑桥公爵)

Prince-Bishopric of Liège - (列日采邑主教区)

Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone - (爱丽丝公主,阿斯隆伯爵夫人 )

Princess Lalla Meryem of Morocco - (摩洛哥的拉拉-梅里耶姆公主)

Princess Madeleine of Sweden - (瑞典玛德琳公主)

Princess Nikki - (尼基公主)

Princess of Orange - (奥兰治公主)

Princess Taiping - (太平公主)

Principal photography - (主体拍摄)

Principality of Capua - (卡普亚公国)

Principality of Hutt River - (赫特河公国)

Príncipe - (普林西比岛)

Principia Mathematica - (数学原理)

Principle of relativity - (相对性原理)

Printed circuit board - (印刷电路板)

Printing - (印刷)

Printing press - (印刷机)

Prion disease - (傳染性海綿狀腦病)

Priscilla Mullins Alden - (Priscilla Mullins Alden)

Prison - (監獄)

Pritzker Architecture Prize - (普利兹克建筑奖)

Private network - (专用网络)

Privy Council of the United Kingdom - (联合王国枢密院)

Prix de Rome - (罗马大奖)

Prize - (奖项)

Pro-slavery (United States) - (支持奴隶制(美国))

Probability - (概率)

Probability density function - (機率密度函數)

Probability space - (機率空間)

Probate - (遗嘱认证 )

Problem (song) - (问题(歌曲))

Problem solving - (解决问题)

Proboscidea - (长鼻科)

Proboscis monkey - (长鼻猴)

Proceratosaurus - (普鲁士龙(Proceratosaurus)

Process - (流程)

Procompsognathus - (普罗普索尼亚斯(Procompsognathus)

Procoptodon - (巨型短面袋鼠)

Procter & Gamble - (宝洁)

Procyon - (南河三)

Product stewardship - (产品管理)

Productive efficiency - (生产效率)

Profanity - (髒話)

Professional - (專業人士)

Professional Golfers Association - (职业高尔夫球员协会)

Professor - (教授)

Professor Moriarty - (詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授)

Professor X - (X教授)

Progeria - (早年衰老症候群)

Progeroid syndromes - (早老性综合症)

Programmed learning - (編序教學法)

Programming language - (编程语言)

Programming paradigm - (编程范型)

Progression - (进展情况)

Progressive conservatism - (进步保守主义)

Progressive metal - (前进金属)

Progressive Party (United States, 1912) - (进步党(美国,1912年))

Progressive Party (United States, 1912) - (进步党(美国,1912年))

Project Syndicate - (项目辛迪加)

Project X - (X项目)

Projectile - (投射物)

Projection - (投影)

Prokaryote - (原核生物)

Promenade concert - (长廊音乐会)

Promiscuity - (劈腿族)

Pronghorn - (叉角羚)

Pronoun - (代詞)

Proof - (证明)

Propaganda - (政治宣传)

Proper motion - (自行)

Property tax - (物業稅)

Prophylaxis (chess) - (预防性治疗(棋))

Proportions - (比例)

Proposition - (命题)

Proscription - (禁令)

Prose - (散文)

Proselyte - (前进者)

Prosimian - (朴槿惠)

Protea - (海神花屬)

Protected area - (保护区)

Protection - (保护)

Protectionist Party - (保护主义党)

Protégé - (徒弟)

Protein - (蛋白质)

Protein Data Bank - (蛋白質資料庫)

Protein folding - (蛋白质折叠)

Proteobacteria - (變形菌門)

Proterozoic - (元古宙)

Protestant Reformation - (宗教改革)

Proteus (moon) - (海卫八)

Protist - (原生生物)

Proto-Australoids - (原澳大利亞人)

Proto-Sinaitic script - (青銅中期文化時期字母)

Protostome - (原口动物)

Protozoa - (原生動物)

Provenance - (出处)

Providence, Rhode Island - (普罗维登斯)

Providence, Rhode Island - (普罗维登斯)

Province of Alicante - (阿利坎特省)

Province of Ávila - (阿维拉省)

Province of Bolzano-Bozen - (博尔扎诺-波岑省)

Province of New Jersey - (新泽西省)

Province of Rimini - (里米尼省)

Province of South Carolina - (南卡罗来纳州的省)

Provinces and territories of Canada - (加拿大行政区划)

Provinces of Costa Rica - (哥斯达黎加各省)

Provinces of the Dominican Republic - (多米尼加行政区划)

Provinces of the Philippines - (菲律宾省份列表)

Provincial city (Vietnam) - (省城(越南))

Provisional Irish Republican Army - (臨時愛爾蘭共和軍)

Proxima Centauri - (比邻星)

Proxy - (代理人)

Proxy marriage - (代理婚姻)

Proxy server - (代理服务器)

Prudence Crandall - (Prudence Crandall)

Prudential Tower - (保德信大厦)

Prussia - (普魯士)

Prypiat - (普里皮亚季)

Przewalski's horse - (普鲁士基的马)

PS10 solar power plant - (PS10太陽能發電塔)

Psalms - (詩篇)

Psamathe (moon) - (海卫十)

Pschent - (Pschent)

Psephology - (伪装学)

Pseudanthium - (假黄瓜)

Pseudogene - (假基因)

Pseudonym - (化名)

Pseudoscience - (伪科学)

Pseudoscorpion - (伪蝎子)

Psittacosaurus - (鸚鵡嘴龍屬)

Psychedelic mushroom - (迷幻蘑菇)

Psychoactive drug - (精神药物)

Psychoanalysis - (精神分析学)

Psychological nativism - (先天論)

Psychological test - (心理测试)

Psychology - (心理学)

Psychosis - (思覺失調)

Pterodactyloidea - (翼手龍亞目)

Pterodactylus - (翼手龙(Pterodactylus))

Pteropoda - (翼足目)

Pterosaur - (翼龍目)

Pterygotus - (翼手党)

Ptolemaic dynasty - (托勒密王朝)

Ptolemy - (托勒密)

Puberty - (青春期)

Pubis (bone) - (阴部(骨))

Public domain - (公有领域)

Public good - (公共物品)

Public health - (公共卫生)

Public health observatory - (公共卫生观察站)

Public house - (英式酒吧)

Public inquiry - (公共调查 )

Public journal - (公共刊物 )

Public speaking - (演講)

Publius Ovidius Naso - (Publius Ovidius Naso)

PubMed Central - (PubMed Central)

Puerta del Sol - (太阳门(Puerta del Sol))

Puerto Plata Province - (銀港省)

Puerto Rico - (波多黎各)

Pufferfish - (四齒魨科)

Puffinus - (帕夫纳)

Pug - (巴哥犬)

Pukatja, South Australia - (南澳大利亚州Pukatja)

Pulicat Lake - (普利卡湖)

Pulilan - (普利兰)

Pulmonary edema - (肺水肿)

Pulmonary hypertension - (肺部高血压)

Pulsar - (脉冲星)

Puma - (美洲狮)

Punakha District - (普那卡区)

Punch - (冲床)

Punctuation - (标点符号)

Punggol - (榜鹅)

Punjab - (旁遮普 (消歧义))

Punjabi language - (旁遮普語)

Punjabi Wikipedia - (旁遮普维基百科)

Punt (boat) - (普特(船))

Punta Gorda, Belize - (蓬塔戈达,伯利兹)

Pupil (eye) - (瞳孔)

Purchase - (採購)

Purdue University - (普渡大學)

Purgatory - (炼狱)

Puritanism - (清教徒)

Purple frog - (紫蛙)

Purple Mountain - (紫金山)

Pushing Daisies - (推举雏菊)

Pushyamitra Sunga - (Pushyamitra Sunga)

Puss in Boots (2011 movie) - (穿靴子的猫 (电影))

Pussy Riot - (暴動小貓)

Pussycat Dolls - (小野貓)

Putrefaction - (腐烂)


Puy de Sancy - (Puy de Sancy)

Puzzle Bobble 2 - (益智波波2)

Pwllheli - (Pwllheli)

Pygmy people - (俾格米人)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - (柴可夫斯基)

Pyramid - (金字塔)

Pyrénées-Orientales - (东部比利牛斯山区(Pyrénées-Orientales)

Pyroxene - (辉石)

Pyrrharctia isabella - (伊莎贝拉(Pyrrharctia isabella))

Pyruvic acid - (丙酮酸)

Pythagoras - (毕达哥拉斯)

Pythagorean theorem - (勾股定理)

Python - (蟒科)

Python (programming language) - (Python)

Python bivittatus - (緬甸蟒)

Python molurus - (印度蟒)

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