
百科全书文章始于字母 P

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Placozoa - (扁盘动物门)

Plain English Campaign - (朴素英语运动)

Plain view doctrine - (明眼人原则)

Plains Indians - (平原印第安人)

Plan 9 from Outer Space - (外太空九号计划)

Planaria - (Planaria)

Planck (spacecraft) - (普朗克卫星)

Planck constant - (普朗克常数)

Planck epoch - (普朗克时期)

Planck units - (普朗克單位制)

Planet - (行星)

Planet of the Apes (1968 movie) - (人猿星球(1968年电影))

Planet of the Apes (2001 movie) - (人猿星球(2001年电影))

Planetary core - (行星核心)

Planetary geology - (行星地质学)

Planetary nebula - (行星状星云)

Planetary system - (行星系)

Planets beyond Neptune - (海王星以外的行星)

Plankton - (浮游生物)

Planned Parenthood - (美国计划生育联合会)

Plant - (植物)

Plant breeding - (植物育种)

Plant hormone - (植物激素)

Plant physiology - (植物生理学)

Plant stem - (茎)

Plantain - (大蕉)

Plantation of Ulster - (阿尔斯特种植园)

Planthopper - (刨花猫)

Plaque - (匾额)

Plasma (physics) - (等离子体)

Plasma display - (等離子顯示屏)

Plasma window - (等离子体窗口)

Plasmid - (质粒)

Plasmodesma - (塑化剂)

Plasmodium - (瘧原蟲)

Plastic - (塑料)

Plastic Ono Band - (塑胶小野乐队)

Plat - (地图 )

Platanus orientalis - (法桐)

Plate armour - (板甲)

Plateosaurus - (板龙)

Plating - (电镀)

Platinum Range - (铂金范围)

Plato - (柏拉图)

Platy - (普拉蒂)

Platypus - (鸭嘴兽)

Play (activity) - (玩耍)

Play therapy - (遊戲治療)

Playback singer - (伴奏歌手)

Playboy - (花花公子)

Player character - (玩家角色)

PlayStation 3 - (PlayStation 3)

PlayStation 4 - (PlayStation 4)

PlayStation Portable - (PlayStation Portable)

Playtime Is Over (mixtape) - (玩耍时间结束了(混音)。)

Playtime Is Over (mixtape) - (玩耍时间结束了(混音)。)

Plaza - (广场)

Pleading - (恳求)

Plebiscite - (公民投票)

Pleiotropism - (纵横捭阖)

Pleistocene - (更新世)

Plesiosaur - (蛇頸龍目)

Plessy v. Ferguson - (Plessy v. Ferguson)

Pleven Province - (普列文省)

Plinian eruption - (普林尼式火山噴發)

Plínio de Arruda Sampaio - (Plínio de Arruda Sampaio)

Pliny the Elder - (老普林尼)

Pliny's Comedy and Tragedy villas - (别墅喜剧)

Pliosaur - (上龍亞目)

Plitvice Lakes - (普利特维采湖群国家公园)

Plovdiv Province - (普罗夫迪夫省)

Plover - (鸻鹬类)

Plug-in hybrid - (插電式混合動力車)

Plum - (李亚属)

Plum pudding model - (李子布丁模型)

Plumbing - (水管工程)

Plural - (复数)

Plural ignorance - (复数无知)

Plurinational Legislative Assembly - (多民族立法会议)

Pluto - (冥王星)

Plymouth - (普利茅斯 (消歧義))

Pnau - (Pnau)

Pneumothorax - (气胸)

Po (river) - (波河)

Poa pratensis - (Poa pratensis)

Poales - (禾本目)

Pocahontas - (波卡洪塔斯)

Podocarpaceae - (罗汉松科)

Poet's Corner - (诗人之家)

Pohela Boishakh - (波赫拉-博伊沙赫)

Pohjola - (波赫约拉)

Poincaré conjecture - (庞加莱猜想)

Point - (点)

Point Break - (驚爆點)

Point Pelee National Park - (皮利角国家公园)

Pointe du Hoc - (奥克角)

Pointillism - (点彩画派)

Poison - (毒物)

Poison dart frog - (毒镖蛙)

Poison gas - (毒气)

Poitiers - (普瓦提埃)

Pokémon - (宝可梦系列)

Pokémon (anime) - (寶可夢系列 (動畫))

Pokémon (video game series) - (寶可夢 (遊戲))

Pokémon Adventures - (神奇寶貝特別篇)

Pokémon Go - (精靈寶可夢GO)

Pokémon X and Y - (精灵宝可梦 X·Y)

Poker - (撲克)

Poker Face - (撲克臉 (女神卡卡歌曲))

Pol de Mont - (Pol de Mont)

Poland - (波兰)

Polar moment of inertia - (极惯性矩)

Polaris (star) - (勾陳一)

Pole Position (video game) - (极点位置(视频游戏))

Police - (警察)

Polio vaccine - (脊髓灰质炎疫苗)

Polis - (希臘城邦)

Polish language - (波兰语)

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - (波蘭立陶宛)

Political economy - (政治经济学)

Political general - (政治将军 )

Political parties in the United States - (美國政黨)

Political party strength in Kansas - (堪萨斯州的政党实力)

Politics of Germany - (德國政治)

Politics of the Netherlands - (荷兰政治)

Politics of the United States - (美国政治)

Polity - (政体)

Polity IV - (政体四)

Pollen tube - (花粉管)

Pollination - (授粉)

Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co - (波洛克诉农民贷款与信托公司案)

Pollution - (污染)

Polonaise - (波蘭舞曲)

Polybutadiene - (聚丁二烯)

Polycarbonate - (聚碳酸酯)

Polychaete - (多毛纲)

Polymer - (聚合物)

Polymer chemistry - (高分子化学)

Polymorphism (materials science) - (同质异形体)

Polymyalgia rheumatica - (多发性风湿关节炎)

Polynomial - (多項式)

Polyp - (多角虫 )

Polyphemos - (波吕斐摩斯)

Polyphenism - (多角化现象)

Polyphyly - (多系群)

Polysaccharide - (多醣体)

Polytonality - (多调性)

Polyurethane - (聚氨酯)

Pompeii - (庞贝)

Pompey - (格奈乌斯·庞培)

Pont Saint-Bénézet - (Pont Saint-Bénézet)

Ponta Grossa - (蓬塔格罗萨)

Pontarlier - (蓬塔利埃)

Pontiac Montana - (庞蒂克蒙大拿)

Pontiac's War - (庞蒂亚克的战争)

Pontic Greek genocide - (希臘種族滅絕)

Pontius Pilate - (庞提乌斯-彼拉多)

Ponzi scheme - (龐茲騙局)

Pop art - (波普艺术)

Pop icon - (流行图标)

Pop Idol - (流行偶像)

Pope - (教宗)

Pope Alexander I - (教皇亚历山大一世)

Pope Benedict XVI - (教皇本笃十六世)

Pope Clement I - (克莱孟一世)

Pope Clement II - (教皇克莱门特二世)

Pope Evaristus - (教宗立德)

Pope Francis - (教皇方济各)

Pope Gregory XII - (教皇格雷戈里十二世)

Pope Innocent XIII - (教皇英诺森十三世)

Pope John Paul I - (教皇约翰-保罗一世)

Pope John Paul II - (教皇约翰-保罗二世)

Pope Linus - (理诺)

Pope Pius IX - (教皇皮乌斯九世)

Pope Pontian - (教皇庞天(Pontianus) )

Pope Telesphorus - (教宗福禄)

Pope Victor I - (教宗維笃一世)

Pope Zephyrinus - (教皇Zephyrinus)

Popol Vuh - (波波爾·烏)

Poppy - (罌粟花)

Popular science - (科学普及)

Popular sovereignty - (人民主权论)

Popular sovereignty in the United States - (美国的人民主权)

Population density - (人口密度)

Population without double counting - (不重复计算的人口)

Populist Movement - (民粹主义运动)

Porcelain (song) - (瓷器(歌曲))

Porcupine - (豪豬)

Pornography - (色情)

Porridge - (餬)

Port Arthur - (亚瑟港)

Port Arthur, Tasmania - (亚瑟港,塔斯马尼亚)

Port Arthur, Tasmania - (亚瑟港,塔斯马尼亚)

Port Blair - (布萊爾港)

Port of Gladstone - (格拉德斯通港)

Port Vale F.C. - (维尔港足球俱乐部(Port Vale F.C.)

Port Vale F.C. - (维尔港足球俱乐部(Port Vale F.C.)

Port-de-Paix - (和平港)

Portable - (手提式)

Portage, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州波蒂奇)

Portage, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州波蒂奇市)

Portal (video game) - (傳送門)

Portamento - (波塔姆托)

Porter Wagoner - (Porter Wagoner)

Porthmadog - (波兹马多格)

Portishead - (波提斯海德)

Portland, Oregon - (俄勒冈州波特兰市)

Portman Road - (樸文路球場)

Portmanteau word - (混成詞)

Portugal - (葡萄牙)

Portuguese Empire - (葡萄牙帝國)

Portuguese Grand Prix - (葡萄牙大奖赛)

Positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus - (正單鏈RNA病毒)

Positivism - (实证主义)

Positron emission tomography - (正电子发射断层扫描)

Possum - (袋貂亞目)

Post Malone - (Post Malone)

Post Office Protocol - (郵局協定)

Post-credits scene - (片尾曲场景)

Post-disco - (后迪斯科时代)

Post-impressionism - (后印象派)

Post-nominal letters - (命名后的字母)

Post-production - (后期制作)

Post-traumatic stress disorder - (創傷後壓力症候群)

Postal codes in Taiwan - (臺灣地區郵遞區號一覽表)

Postmodernism - (后现代主义)

Potassium hypomanganate - (高锰酸钾)

Potassium permanganate - (高锰酸钾)

Potato chip - (馬鈴薯片)

Potential energy - (势能)

Potentiometer - (电位器)

Potsdam Conference - (波茨坦会议)

Pottawatomie massacre - (Pottawatomie屠杀)

Pottery - (陶器)

Poughkeepsie Bridge - (波基普西大桥)

Poughkeepsie, New York - (波基普西,纽约)

Poughkeepsie, New York - (波基普西,纽约)

Pound (mass) - (镑(质量))

Pound sterling - (英镑)

Pour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali - (为了非洲,也为了你,马里)

Poverty in India - (印度的贫困 )

Powderfinger - (粉狀手指樂團)

Power (physics) - (功率)

Power consumption - (消耗功率)

Power Rangers (movie) - (金剛戰士 (2017年電影))

Powersite Dam - (鲍尔斯特大坝)

Poynings' Law - (波宁斯定律)

PPSh-41 - (PPSh-41冲锋枪)

Prague - (布拉格)

Prague Manifesto (Esperanto) - (布拉格宣言(世界语))

Prairie - (草原)

Prairie dog - (草原犬鼠)

Pramoedya Ananta Toer - (普拉姆迪亞·阿南達·杜爾)

Prato - (普拉托)

Praying (Kesha song) - (祈祷(Kesha歌曲))

Pre-1600 Atlantic hurricane seasons - (1600年以前的大西洋飓风季节)

Pre-Columbian era - (前哥倫布時期)

Pre-frontal cortex - (前額葉皮質)

Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood - (前拉斐爾派)

Pre-Socratic philosophy - (前苏格拉底哲学)

Preamble to the United States Constitution - (美国宪法序言)

Precocial - (前社会)

Predation - (捕食)

Predator (movie) - (鐵血戰士)

Predestination - (宿命)

Predicate (grammar) - (謂語)

Preemptive war - (先发制人的战争)

Prehistory - (史前時代)

Prem Rawat - (普雷姆-拉瓦特)

Premature birth - (早產)

Premier League - (英格兰足球超级联赛)

Premier League Golden Boot - (英超金靴奖 )

Premier of Queensland - (昆士兰州总理)

Premier of South Australia - (南澳大利亚州州长)

Premier of Tasmania - (塔斯马尼亚州的总理)

Premier of the People's Republic of China - (中華人民共和國總理)

Premier of Victoria - (维多利亚州州长)

Prequel - (前傳)

Presbyornis - (普瑞斯比鳥屬)

Presenter - (主持人)

Presidency of Abraham Lincoln - (林肯总统)

President Lincoln's 75,000 volunteers - (林肯总统的75000名志愿者)

President of Azerbaijan - (阿塞拜疆总统)

President of Pakistan - (巴基斯坦总统)

President of Russia - (俄罗斯总统)

President of Singapore - (新加坡总统)

President of the German Bundesrat - (德国联邦参议院主席)

President of the Republic of China - (中華民國總統)

President of the United Arab Emirates - (阿拉伯联合酋长国总统)

President of the United States - (美国总统)

President Pro Tempore of the Senate - (美國參議院臨時議長)

President-elect of the United States - (美国当选总统)

Presidents' Trophy - (总统奖杯)

Presociality - (社会性)

Press Your Luck - (強棒出擊)

Prestel - (プレストル)

Pretty Good Privacy - (优秀的隐私)

Priapulida - (鳃曳动物门)

Prickly pear - (仙人掌属)

Prignitz - (Prignitz)

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