
百科全书文章始于字母 G

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Ghost in the Machine - (机器中的幽灵)

Ghost net - (幽灵网)

Ghosts 'n' Stuff - (幽灵'n'Stuff)

Ghoti - (Ghoti)

Ghoul - (食屍鬼)

Giacomo Puccini - (贾科莫-普契尼)

Giambattista Pittoni - (詹巴蒂斯塔-皮托尼)

Gian Gastone de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - (加斯通・美第奇)

Gianni Versace - (詹尼·范思哲)

Giannis Antetokounmpo - (吉安尼斯-安特托孔波(Giannis Antetokounmpo)

Giant anteater - (巨型食蚁兽)

Giant Gippsland earthworm - (吉普斯兰大蚯蚓)

Giant impact hypothesis - (大碰撞說)

Giant Magellan Telescope - (巨型麦哲伦望远镜)

Giant octopus - (巨型章鱼)

Giant panda - (大熊猫)

Giant salamander - (大鲵)

Giant squid - (巨烏賊)

Giant star - (巨星)

Giant tortoise - (巨龟是 )

Giant's Causeway - (巨人堤道)

Gibraltar - (直布罗陀)

Gibraltar (Linux distribution) - (直布罗陀(Linux发行版))

Gichin Funakoshi - (船越吉)

Gideon Mantell - (Gideon Mantell)

Gidget - (Gidget)

Giessen - (吉森)

Giganotosaurus - (南方巨獸龍屬)

Gilbert and Sullivan - (吉爾伯特與薩利文)

Gilbert White - (Gilbert White)

Gilbert's potoroo - (Gilbert's potoroo)

Gilded Age - (镀金时代)

Gilgit-Baltistan - (吉尔吉特-巴尔蒂斯坦)

Gilles Binchois - (Gilles Binchois)

Gilles de Richemond - (Gilles de Richemond)

Gilles Deleuze - (Gilles Deleuze)

Gillian Anderson - (Gillian Anderson)

Gilmore Girls - (奇異果女孩)


Gin - (琴酒)

Gina Gillespie - (Gina Gillespie)

Gina Haspel - (吉娜-哈斯佩尔)

Gingerbread man - (姜饼人)

Gioachino Rossini - (吉奥阿基诺-罗西尼)

Giordano Bruno - (乔达诺-布鲁诺)

Giotto di Bondone - (Giotto di Bondone)

Giovanni da Palestrina - (Giovanni da Palestrina)

Giraffatitan - (长颈鹿座)

Girl group - (女子音乐组合)

Girl Guides - (女童軍)

Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne song) - (女朋友 (艾薇兒·拉維尼歌曲))

Girls Aloud - (大声女孩)

Girls like You - (像你这样的女孩)

Girls' Generation - (少女时代)

Giro d'Italia - (环意自行车赛)

Giro Manoyan - (吉罗-马诺扬)

Girolamo Savonarola - (吉羅拉莫·薩佛納羅拉)

Giselle - (吉賽爾)

Gita Gopinath - (Gita Gopinath)

Giulio Caccini - (朱利奥-卡奇尼)

Giuseppe Verdi - (朱塞佩-威尔第)

Giza - (吉萨)

Giza Governorate - (吉萨省)

Gizzard - (砂囊)

Glacier - (冰川)

Glam rock - (魅力摇滚)

Glamis Castle - (格拉米斯城堡)

Glasgow - (格拉斯哥)

Glasgow Coma Scale - (格拉斯哥昏迷量表)

Glasgow International Airport - (格拉斯哥机场)

Glasgow Prestwick Airport - (格拉斯哥普雷斯特威克机场)

Glasnost - (開放政策)

Glass - (玻璃)

Glaucoma - (青光眼)

Glaucous - (釉质 )

Glaze - (釉)

Glee - (欢乐颂)

Glen Campbell - (格倫·坎貝爾)

Glen Hanlon - (Glen Hanlon)

Glen or Glenda - (格伦或格伦达)

Glendale, Arizona - (格伦代尔)

Glendale, Arizona - (格蘭岱爾)

Glenn Beck - (格伦-贝克)

Glenn Greenwald - (格伦-格林沃尔德)

Glenn Miller - (格伦-米勒)

Glider - (滑翔机)

Gliese 581 - (格利泽581)

Gliese 667 Cc - (Gliese 667 Cc)

Global Handwashing Day - (世界洗手日)

Global Positioning System - (全球定位系统)

Global warming - (全球变暖)

Globe - (地球儀)

Globular cluster - (球狀星團)

Globular protein - (球状蛋白质)

Glock 18 - (格洛克18)

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo - (光荣归勇敢人民)

Gloria Steinem - (Gloria Steinem)

Glorious Revolution - (光荣革命)

Gloucestershire - (格洛斯特郡)

Glow fuel - (点火燃料)

Glucocorticoid - (糖皮质激素)

Glue - (胶水)

Gluon - (胶子)

Gluten - (麸皮)

Glycogen - (糖原)

Glycolysis - (糖酵解)

Glycyrrhiza - (甘草属)

Glyptodon - (斑马鱼(Glyptodon))

Gmunden (district) - (格蒙登(区))

Gnetum - (Gnetum)

GNU Free Documentation License - (GNU自由文档许可证)

Go - (围棋)

Go Eun-bi - (吴恩碧)

Go Fish - (去鱼)

Goa - (果阿邦)

Goat Rock Beach - (山羊岩海滩)

goatse.cx - (goatse.cx)

goatse.cx - (goatse.cx)

Gobichettipalayam - (戈比切蒂帕拉亚姆)

Goblin shark - (哥布林鲨鱼)

God - (神 (一神教))

God in Judaism - (犹太教中的上帝)

God is dead - (上帝已死)

God paradox - (上帝悖论)

God Save the Queen - (天佑女王)

God's eye view - (主体-客体问题)

God's Plan (song) - (神的旨意)

Gödel number - (哥德尔数)

Gödel's incompleteness theorems - (哥德尔不完备定理)

Godfrey Kneller - (戈弗雷-耐勒)

Godzilla (2014 movie) - (哥斯拉(2014年电影))

Goguryeo - (高句丽)

Goh Chok Tong - (Goh Chok Tong)

Goh Keng Swee - (Goh Keng Swee)

Gold - (金)

Gold (color) - (黄金(颜色))

Golda Meir - (Golda Meir)

Golden algae - (金藻)

Golden dart frog - (金色箭毒蛙)

Golden eagle - (金雕)

Golden Earring - (金耳环)

Golden Gate Bridge - (金门大桥)

Golden Globe Award - (金球獎)

Golden Grove (ship) - (Golden Grove(船))

Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards - (金馬獎)

Golden mole - (金毛鼹科)

Golden ratio - (黄金分割率)

Golden Retriever - (金毛猎犬)

Golden Rule - (恕道)

Golden Triangle (UK universities) - (金三角名校)

Goldfinch - (金翅雀)

Goldfish - (鲫鱼)

Goldie Hawn - (戈尔迪-霍恩)

Golgi complex - (高尔基体)

Goliath - (歌利亚)

Goliath (Walibi Holland) - (歌利亚(荷兰瓦里比))

Goliath birdeater spider - (巨人捕鸟蛛)

Gomal River - (古馬勒河)

Gombe Stream National Park - (贡贝溪国家公园)

Gomphothere - (嵌齒象科)

Gomphotherium - (嵌齿象属)

Gonaïves - (戈纳伊夫)

Gondwana - (冈瓦纳大陆)

Gondwana Rainforests - (冈瓦纳雨林)

Gone with the Wind (movie) - (乱世佳人(电影))

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge - (冈维尔和凯斯学院,剑桥)

Gonzo - (冈诺)

Good (economics) - (商品)

Good Friday - (受难日)

Good Luck Charlie - (祝你好运,查理)

Good Morning Britain - (英国早报)

Good Night, and Good Luck - (晚安,好运。)

Good Night, and Good Luck - (晚安,好运气)

Goodies (song) - (好事者(歌曲))

Goodluck Jonathan - (古德勒克-乔纳森)

Goofy and Wilbur - (高飞和威尔伯)

Google - (Google)

Google Chrome - (谷歌浏览器)

Google Maps (application) - (谷歌地图(应用))

Google Nexus - (Google Nexus)

Google Picasa - (Google Picasa)

Google Search - (Google搜索)

Google+ - (谷歌+)

Gooloogong, New South Wales - (新南威尔士州Gooloogong)

Gooloogong, New South Wales - (新南威尔士州Gooloogong)

Gordon Brown - (戈登-布朗)

Gordon Freeman - (戈登·弗里曼)

Gordon Lightfoot - (Gordon Lightfoot)

Gordon Ramsay - (戈登-拉姆塞)

Gorgon - (戈耳工)

Gorilla Monsoon - (大猩猩季风)

Goriška Statistical Region - (戈里齊亞統計區)

Görlitz - (格尔利茨)

Gosei (fifth-generation Nikkei) - (御成)

Gospel of John - (約翰福音)

Gospel of Luke - (路加福音)

Gospel of Thomas - (多马的福音书)

Gossip Girl - (绯闻女孩)

Gothic architecture - (哥特式建筑)

Gothic Revival architecture - (哥德復興式建築)

goto - (Goto)

Gotra - (御姐)

Götterdämmerung - (戈特达梅隆(Götterdämmerung)

Gottfried Leibniz - (莱布尼茨)

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - (戈特霍尔德·埃弗拉伊姆·莱辛)

Gouda (cheese) - (豪达奶酪)

Gough Island - (高夫岛)

Gough Whitlam - (Gough Whitlam)

Gould Belt - (古爾德帶)

Gourdon, Lot - (Gourdon, Lot)

Gourdon, Lot - (Gourdon, Lot)

Gouverneur Morris - (古弗尼尔·莫里斯)

Governess - (女家庭教師)

Government Communications Headquarters - (政府通信总部)

Government of Australia - (澳大利亚政府)

Government of Hamburg - (汉堡政府)

Government of India Act 1935 - (印度政府193号法案5)

Government of the United Kingdom - (英國政府)

Governor General of Canada - (加拿大總督)

Governor of California - (加利福尼亞州州長)

Governor of Hawaii - (夏威夷州州长)

Governor of New Hampshire - (新罕布什尔州州长)

Governor of New South Wales - (新南威爾士總督)

Governor-General of India - (印度总督)

Governor-General of Pakistan - (巴基斯坦总督)

Gözleme - (ǞǞǞǞ)

GP2 Series - (GP2系列赛)

Grace - (Grace)

Grace (style) - (阁下 )

Grace Kelly - (Grace Kelly)

Grade (education) - (成绩)

Gradient (disambiguation) - (梯度(消除歧义))

Graffiti - (涂鸦)

Graham County, Kansas - (堪萨斯州格雷厄姆县)

Graham County, Kansas - (堪萨斯州格雷厄姆县)

Gram staining - (革蘭氏染色)

Gram-negative - (革兰氏阴性菌)

Grameen Bank - (孟加拉乡村银行)

Grammar - (语法)

Grammar school - (文法学校)

Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album - (葛萊美獎最佳另類音樂專輯)

Gran Canaria - (大加那利岛)

Gran Valira - (大瓦里拉)

Grana Padano cheese - (格拉娜·帕達諾芝士)

Grand Canal (China) - (大运河)

Grand Canyon - (大峽谷)

Grand Coulee Dam - (大古力水坝)

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia - (阿纳斯塔西娅·尼古拉耶芙娜·罗曼诺娃)

Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna of Russia - (俄罗斯大公夫人安娜-帕夫洛夫娜)

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia (1899–1918) - (瑪麗亞·尼古拉耶芙娜)

Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia - (奧麗加·亞歷山德羅夫娜)

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia - (奥尔加-尼古拉耶夫娜大公夫人)

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia - (塔季扬娜·尼古拉耶芙娜)

Grand duchy - (大公國)

Grand Duchy of Baden - (巴登大公国)

Grand Duchy of Lithuania - (立陶宛大公国)

Grand jury - (陪審團)

Grand Theft Auto - (俠盜獵車手系列)

Grand Theft Auto IV - (侠盗猎车手IV)

Grand Tour (cycling) - (大环赛(自行车运动))

Grandee of Spain - (西班牙大公国)

Grandfather paradox - (祖父悖论)

Grandparent - (祖父母)

Granite - (花崗岩)

Granule - (颗粒物)

Graph - (函数图形)

Graphene - (石墨烯)

Graphics Device Interface - (GDI+)

Graphics Interchange Format - (GIF)

Graphics tablet - (绘图板)

Graphite - (石墨)

Grass - (禾草)

Grass Roots - (草根阶层)

Grass snake - (水游蛇)

Grasshopper - (蚱蜢)

Grassland - (草地)

Grasslands National Park - (草原国家公园)

Gravel - (砾石)

Gravitational energy - (引力势能)

Gravitational field - (引力場)

Gravity - (重力)

Gray - (灰色)

Gray whale - (灰鲸)

Gray's Inn - (格雷旅馆)

Graziano Pellè - (Graziano Pellè)

GRB 970228 - (GRB 970228)

Great American Interchange - (南北美洲生物大遷徙)

Great Artesian Basin - (大自流盆地)

Great Attractor - (伟大的吸引者)

Great Australian Bight - (大澳洲灣)

Great Barrier Reef - (大堡礁)

Great Britain - (大不列顛島)

Great Britain at the 2018 Winter Paralympics - (大不列颠在2018年冬季残奥会上的表现)

Great Chilean Earthquake - (1960年智利大地震)

Great Commission - (大使命)

Great crested newt - (大冠蝾螈)

Great Dark Spot - (大黑斑)

Great Depression - (大萧条)

Great Dividing Range - (大分水岭)

Great Fire of London - (倫敦大火)

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