
百科全书文章始于字母 S

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Shark - (鲨鱼)

Sharon Osbourne - (莎朗-奥斯本)

Sharon Stone - (Sharon Stone)

Sharp (music) - (升號)

Shatranj - (波斯象棋)

Shawn Lane - (Shawn Lane)

Shawnee County, Kansas - (堪萨斯州肖尼县)

Shawnee County, Kansas - (堪萨斯州肖尼县)

Shaykh al-Islam - (謝赫伊斯蘭)

She's All That - (她是一切)

Sheamus - (谢默斯)

Shear - (剪切)

Sheboygan, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州谢博伊根市)

Sheboygan, Wisconsin - (威斯康星州谢博伊根市)


Shedd Aquarium - (谢德水族馆)

Sheet music - (乐谱)

Sheffield - (谢菲尔德)

Shehnai - (谢纳伊)

Shel Silverstein - (Shel Silverstein)

Shelf life - (保质期)

Shell Oil Company - (壳牌石油)

Shelley Moore Capito - (谢莉-穆尔-卡皮托)

Shellfish - (贝类)

ShelterBox - (庇护箱)

Shenandoah River - (谢南多亚河)

Shenandoah Valley - (雪倫多亞河谷)

Shenyang - (沈阳)

Shepherd - (牧羊人)

Shepparton - (谢巴顿)

Sherborne - (謝爾本)

Sheree North - (雪莉-诺斯)

Sherlock Holmes - (歇洛克·福尔摩斯)

Sherman Brothers - (谢尔曼兄弟)

Sherron Watkins - (雪伦-沃特金斯)

Shetland - (设德兰)

Shetland Sheepdog - (喜樂蒂牧羊犬)

Shibuya Junior and Senior High School - (涉中, )

Shield bug - (盾牌错误)

Shield volcano - (盾狀火山)

Shigeru Miyamoto gameography - (宫本茂的游戏目录 )

Shikasta (novel) - (四海为家)

Shikon no Tama - (Shikon no Tama)

Shimane Prefecture - (岛根县)

Shinee - (欣怡)

Shinjitai - (新字体)

Shinkansen - (新干线)

Shinty - (辛迪)

Shinya Yamanaka - (山中伸弥)

Ship's cat - (船上的猫)

Shire (Middle-earth) - (夏爾 (中土大陸))

Shirley Valentine (movie) - (雪莉-瓦伦丁(电影))

Shirley Williams - (Shirley Williams)

Shivaji - (希瓦吉)

Shoaling and schooling - (成群结队和结队 )

Shock tactics - (冲击战术)

Shock Value (Timbaland album) - (震撼价值(Timbaland专辑))

Shogi - (将棋 (日本))

Shonan Gold - (湘南黄金)

Shoot - (拍摄)

Shooting - (拍摄)

Shooting of Michael Brown - (邁克爾·布朗命案)

Short circuit - (短路)

Short film - (短片)

Short Parliament - (短期國會)

Short-beaked echidna - (澳洲针鼹)

Shot glass - (射击杯)

Shot put - (铅球)

Shotokan - (散打)

Shoulder - (肩)

Shovelnose frog - (肩蛙科)

Show jumping - (障礙超越)

Shōwa period - (昭和)

Shrek (movie) - (史瑞克)

Shrek 2 - (史莱克2)

Shrek the Halls - (史莱克的殿堂)

Shrek the Third - (史莱克三世)

Shrew opossum - (鼩负鼠科)

Shrewsbury - (什魯斯伯里)

Shrewsbury Castle - (什魯斯伯里城堡)

Shrewsbury railway station - (Shrewsbury火车站)

Shrimp - (虾)

Shuklaphanta National Park - (Shuklaphanta国家公园)

Shukrayaan-1 - (Shukrayaan-1)

Shumen Province - (舒门省)

Shumshevashskoye Rural Settlement - (Shumshevashskoye农村居民点 )

Shusha - (舒沙)

Shutter - (快门)

Shylock - (夏洛克)

Shyok River - (什約克河)

Sí (album) - (Sí(专辑))

Si3 (movie) - (Si3(电影))

Sia (musician) - (西娅)

Siagne - (西亚涅)

Sialkot - (锡亚尔科特)

Siamang - (合趾猿)

Siamosaurus - (暹羅龍屬)

Siarnaq (moon) - (土卫二十九)

Šibenik-Knin County - (希贝尼克-克宁县)

Siberian Husky - (西伯利亞哈士奇)

Siberian Traps - (西伯利亞暗色岩)

Sic - (西西里)

Sichuan - (四川省)

Sichuan pepper - (川椒)

Sicilian defence - (西西里防禦)

Sicily - (西西里岛)

Sick building syndrome - (病态建筑综合症)

Sid Vicious - (希德-维克斯)

Sidewinding - (蛇行)

Sidewise Award for Alternate History - (旁观者清 "交替历史 "奖)

Sidney Altman - (Sidney Altman)

Sidney L. Pressey - (西德尼-L-普雷西)

Sidney Poitier - (西德尼-波蒂埃)

Siegbert Tarrasch - (Siegbert Tarrasch)

Siege of Leningrad - (围攻列宁格勒)

Siege of Odessa - (围攻敖德萨)

Siege of Petersburg - (彼得堡围城)

Siege of Sidney Street - (围攻西德尼街)

Siege of Yorktown (1862) - (約克鎮戰役 (1862年))

Siegessäule - (胜利纪念柱)

Siegfried - (齊格弗里德)

Siegfried & Roy - (齐格弗里德与罗伊)

Siegmund Nissel - (Siegmund Nissel)

Sienna - (锡耶纳)

Sienna Guillory - (西恩娜-吉洛里)

Sierra County, California - (加州谢拉县)

Sierra Leone - (塞拉利昂)

Sif - (希芙)

Sight - (视觉)

Sight-reading - (视唱 )

Sigmatropic reaction - (Σ迁移反应)

Sigmund Freud - (西格蒙德-弗洛伊德)

Sign (mathematics) - (符号(数学))

Signal - (Signal)

Signal (electrical engineering) - (信号(电气工程))

Signal Iduna Park - (信号伊杜纳公园)

Signal processing - (信号处理)

Signal recognition particle - (信号识别颗粒)

Signal transduction - (訊息傳遞 (生物))

Signature - (签名)

Significant other - (爱人)

Signing Time! - (签约时间!)

Sika Anoaʻi - (西卡-阿诺阿伊)

Sikandar Lodi - (西坎达尔-洛迪)

Sikh temple - (锡克教寺庙)

Sikhism - (锡克教)

Sikkim - (锡金邦)

Silence procedure - (沉默程序)

Silhouette - (剪影)

Silicon - (硅)

Silicon controlled rectifier - (硅控整流器)

Silicon Valley - (硅谷)

Silistra Province - (西里斯特拉省)

Silk Road - (丝绸之路)

Silk tree - (丝绸树)

Silky shark - (鐮狀真鯊)

Silky sifaka - (丝滑的Sifaka)

Sill (geology) - (锡尔族)

Silla - (新罗)

Silliman University - (Silliman大学)

Silphium - (丝瓜)

Siltstone - (淤泥岩)

Silver birch - (银桦树)

Silverstone Circuit - (银石赛道)

Siméon Denis Poisson - (Siméon Denis Poisson)

Similarity (geometry) - (相似性(几何学))

Simon & Garfunkel - (西蒙与加芬克尔)

Simon Boccanegra - (Simon Boccanegra)

Simon de Montfort - (第六代莱斯特伯爵西蒙·德孟福尔)

Simon van der Meer - (Simon van der Meer)

Simone Biles - (Simone Biles)

Simone de Beauvoir - (Simone de Beauvoir)

Simple English Wikipedia - (简单英语维基百科)

Simplified English - (简体英语)

Simpson's paradox - (辛普森悖论)

Simulation - (仿真)

Simultaneous multithreading - (同时多线程)

Sindhi Wikipedia - (信德文维基百科)

Singapore - (新加坡)

Singapore Armed Forces - (新加坡武装力量)

Singapore at the Olympics - (奧林匹克運動會新加坡代表團)

Singer - (歌手)

Singer Building - (星光大厦)

Singing - (唱歌)

Single (music) - (单曲)

Single nucleotide polymorphism - (單核苷酸多態性)

Singles (movie) - (单曲)

Singlish - (新加坡式英語)

Singrauli district - (Singrauli地区)

Sinhala language - (僧伽罗语)

Sino-Japanese vocabulary - (中日词汇)

Sino-Korean vocabulary - (漢字語)

Sino-Vietnamese characters - (汉喃)

Sinodelphys - (中國袋獸)

Sinope (moon) - (西诺普(月球))

Sinosauropteryx - (中華龍鳥屬)

Sinovenator - (中國獵龍屬)

Siouxsie and the Banshees - (苏西与女妖)

Šiprage - (士普拉格)

Sir Bors the Younger - (年轻的博斯爵士)

Sir David's Long-beaked Echidna - (阿滕伯勒長喙針鼴鼠)

Sir Dinadan - (迪纳丹爵士)

Sir Gawain - (高文 (亚瑟王传说))

Sir Thaddeus - (塔德伍施先生)

Sirenia (band) - (Sirenia)

Siri (software) - (Siri)

Sirimavo Bandaranaike - (西里马沃-班达拉奈克)

Sirius - (天狼星)

Sirius Passet - (天狼星的通行证)

Sistine Chapel - (西斯廷教堂)

Sit-ski - (坐姿滑雪)

Sivakasi - (Sivakasi)

Six Flags - (六面旗)

Sixpence (British coin) - (六便士)

Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美利坚合众国宪法第十六条修正案)

Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution - (美国宪法第六修正案)

SK Admira Wien - (SK Admira Wien)

Ska - (斯卡)

Skateboard - (滑板)

Skating - (溜冰)

Skeletal muscle - (骨骼肌)

Skeleton - (骨架)

Ski resort - (滑雪场)

Skins (TV series) - (皮囊)

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo - (丛林袋鼠斯基皮(Skippy the Bush Kangaroo)

Skirmisher - (小兵)

Škoda Auto - (斯柯达汽车)

Skunk Works - (臭鼬工厂)

Sky Living - (天空生活)

Skye - (斯凯岛)

Skyland, Washington, D.C. - (华盛顿特区Skyland)

Skype - (Skype)

Skyscraper - (摩天大楼)

SkyTeam - (天合聯盟)

Slang - (俚語)

Slashdot - (Slashdot)

Slaughterhouse-Five - (屠宰场-5)

Slave Power - (奴隶权力 )

Slave ship - (奴隶 )

Slave states and free states - (蓄奴州与自由州)

Slavery - (奴隶制度)

Slavery in the United States - (美國奴隸制度)

Slavic paganism - (斯拉夫异教)

Slayer - (杀手)

Sleep - (睡眠)

Sleeping Beauty - (睡美人)

Sleeping Beauty transposon system - (睡美人转座子系统)

Sleepless in Seattle - (西雅圖夜未眠)

Slide rule - (计算尺)

Slighting - (轻视)

Slim Dusty - (纤尘不染)

Slime mould - (粘液霉)

Slipknot - (滑稽小子)

Sliven Province - (斯利文州)

Sloop - (单桅帆船)

Slot machine - (角子機)

Sloth - (懒惰)

Sloth (deadly sin) - (懒惰(死罪))

Slovakia - (斯洛伐克)

Slovakia at the Olympics - (斯洛伐克在奥运会上)

Slovenia at the Olympics - (斯洛文尼亚在奥运会上)

Slow loris - (懶猴屬)

Slug - (蛞蝓)

Small business - (小企业)

Small interfering RNA - (小的干扰性RNA)

Small shelly fossils - (小雪橇化石)

Smallmouth bass - (小口黑鲈)

Smartphone - (智能手机)

Smartwatch - (智能手表)

Smash (album) - (粉碎(专辑))

Smashing Pumpkins - (The Smashing Pumpkins)

Smelting - (冶炼)

Smilodon - (斯劍虎)

Smith & Wesson - (史密斯&威森)

Smith College - (史密斯学院)

Smith v. Allwright - (Smith诉Allwright)

Smithsonian Institution - (史密森学会)

Smithsonian National Zoological Park - (美国国家动物园)

Smog - (煙霧)

Smoke detector - (煙霧探測器)

Smoked fish - (熏鱼)

Smokey Mountain - (斯莫基山)

Smokey Robinson - (斯莫基-罗宾逊)

Smoky Hill Chalk - (烟山粉笔)

Smolyan Province - (斯莫利安省)

Smooth muscle - (平滑肌)

Smooth snake - (光滑的蛇)

SN1 reaction - (单分子亲核取代反应)

SN2 reaction - (SN2反应)

Snail - (蜗牛)

Snake - (蛇)

Snape Maltings - (Snape Maltings)

SNCF Class BB 7200 - (法国国家铁路公司(SNCF)BB7200级)

Snell's law - (斯涅尔定律)

Sniper - (狙擊手)

Sniper Elite series - (狙击精英 )

Sniper rifle - (狙击步枪)

Snorkeling - (浮潜)

Snow White - (白雪公主)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 movie) - (白雪公主 (1937年電影))

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