
百科全书文章始于字母 C

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Connie Madigan - (Connie Madigan)

Connotation - (内涵)

Conodont - (锥齿类动物)

Conquistador - (征服者)

Conrotatory and disrotatory - (顺旋/对旋)

Consanguinity - (血缘关系)

Conscientious objector - (良心拒服兵役者)

Conscription - (徵兵制)

Conservation of energy - (能量守恒定律)

Conservatism - (保守主义)

Conservative Party (UK) - (保守黨 (英國))

Conserved sequence - (保守序列)

Consonant mutation - (輔音變化)

Consortium - (聯盟)

Conspiracy of One - (一个人的阴谋)

Constable - (警员)

Constant function - (常數函數)

Constant Permeke - (Constant Permeke)

Constantine the Great - (君士坦丁大帝)

Constantinople Conference - (君士坦丁堡会议)

Constituency - (選區)

Constituent Assembly of Pakistan - (巴基斯坦制宪会议 )

Constitution - (宪法)

Constitution of Australia - (澳洲憲法)

Constitution of Missouri - (密苏里州的宪法)

Constitution of the United Kingdom - (英国宪法)

Constitution of the United States - (美国宪法)

Constitutional Act of 1791 - (1791年宪法法案)

Constitutional convention (political meeting) - (制宪会议(政治会议))

Constitutional Convention (United States) - (制宪会议(美国))

Constitutional economics - (宪政经济学)

Constitutionalism - (宪政主义)

Constitutionality - (合宪性 )

Consulate - (领事馆)

Consultant - (顧問)

Consultation (Bahá'í practice) - (协商(巴哈伊教实践))

Consumer Reports - (消费者报告)

Containerization - (容器化)

Containment - (遏制)

Containment building - (封闭大楼)

Contemporary art - (当代艺术)

Contempt - (蔑视)

Content and language integrated learning - (内容和语言综合学习)

Content delivery - (内容交付)

Contesting the Future of Nuclear Power - (争论核电的未来)

Context - (背景介绍)

Context (computing) - (上下文(计算))

Contigo Quiero Estar - (Contigo Quiero Estar)

Contiki - (康提基)

Continental Airlines - (美國大陸航空)

Continental crust - (大陆地壳)

Continental shelf - (大陆架)

Continental United States - (美国大陆)

Continuum hypothesis - (连续统假设)

Contour line - (等高線)

Contraband (2012 movie) - (违禁品(2012年电影))

Contract - (契约)

Contract bridge - (契约桥牌)

Contradiction - (矛盾)

Control engineering - (控制工程)

Control of fire by early humans - (早期人类对火的控制)

Controlled burn - (控制性燃烧)

Controlled flight into terrain - (可控飛行撞地)

Controlled language - (約限語言)

Controlled Substances Act - (受控物质法)

Conus - (芋螺属)

Convention against Torture - (禁止酷刑公约)

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women - (消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约)

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination - (消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约)

Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers - (《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》 )

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - (残疾人权利公约)

Conventional weapon - (常规武器)

Convergent evolution - (聚合进化)

Conversation - (对话)

Conversion of units - (单位换算)

Converter (metallurgy) - (转炉)

Convex regular 4-polytope - (四维凸正多胞体)

Conveyor belt - (傳動帶)

Convoy - (舰队)

Conway Twitty - (Conway Twitty)

Conway's Game of Life - (康威的生活游戏)

Conwy - (康維)

Conwy Castle - (康威城堡)

Coobool Creek - (库伯尔河)

Cooking Channel - (烹饪频道)

Cooper Creek - (库珀溪)

Cooper Tire & Rubber Company - (库珀轮胎和橡胶公司)

Cooum River - (库姆河)

Copa América - (美洲杯)

Copa América Centenario - (Centenario美洲杯)

Copa Libertadores - (南美解放者杯)

Copenhagen Airport - (哥本哈根凯斯楚普机场)

Copenhagen Zoo - (哥本哈根動物園)

Copley Medal - (科普利奖章)

Coppélia - (科佩利亚)

Coppo di Marcovaldo - (马科瓦尔多之歌(Coppo di Marcovaldo))

Coptic language - (科普特语)

Copy editing - (审稿)

Copyleft - (Copyleft)

Copyright - (著作權)

Copyright infringement - (盗版)

Coquimbo Region - (科金博大区)

Cor anglais - (英国管)

Coracle - (甲骨文)

Coral bleaching - (珊瑚白化)

Coral fungi - (珊瑚真菌)

Coral reef - (珊瑚礁)

Coral snake - (珊瑚蛇)

Corbin Bleu - (科尔宾-布鲁)

Cordaitales - (珊瑚虫)

Cordillera Septentrional - (科迪勒Septentrional山脉)

Córdoba, Argentina - (阿根廷科尔多瓦)

Córdoba, Argentina - (科尔多瓦 (阿根廷))

Corduroy - (灯芯绒)

Coretta Scott King - (科雷塔-斯科特-金)

Corey Feldman - (Corey Feldman)

Corey Graves - (Corey Graves)

Cork oak - (西班牙栓皮栎)

Ćorkovac - (乔尔科瓦茨)

Corn snake - (玉米蛇)

Cornbread - (玉米面包)

Cornea - (角膜)

Cornel West - (科内尔-韦斯特)

Cornelia Meigs - (科内利亚-梅格斯)

Cornell University - (康奈尔大学)

Corner Brook - (角溪)

Cornus canadensis - (加拿大草茱萸)

Coronary artery disease - (冠狀動脈疾病)

Coronation Street Omnibus - (Coronation Street Omnibus)

Coronavirus - (冠状病毒)

Coronel Fabriciano - (科罗内尔-法布里奇亚诺)

Corozal District - (科罗萨尔区)

Corporal punishment - (体罚)

Corps - (军 (编制单位))

Corps of Topographical Engineers - (地形工程师团)

Corpus - (语料库)

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge - (剑桥大学圣体学院)

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge - (剑桥大学基督圣体学院)

Correlation - (相关性)

Corrèze (river) - (科雷茲河)

Corsica - (科西嘉)

Cortisone - (可的松)

Corvidae - (鸟类科)

Corwin Amendment - (Corwin修正案)

Cory Booker - (Cory Booker)

Corythosaurus - (冠龍屬)

Cosimo II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - (科西莫二世-德-美第奇,托斯卡纳的大公爵)

Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - (科西莫三世-德-美第奇 )

Cosmetics - (化妆品)

Cosmic distance ladder - (宇宙距离尺度)

Cosmic microwave background radiation - (宇宙微波背景)

Cosmological principle - (宇宙論原則)

Cossacks - (哥薩克)

Costa Coffee - (柯斯达咖啡)

Costa Concordia - (歌詩達協和號)

Costa Rica - (哥斯达黎加)

Costa Rican colón - (哥斯大黎加科朗)

Cosworth - (考斯沃斯)

Côte-d'Or - (科特迪瓦(Côte-d'Or)

Cotentin Peninsula - (科唐坦半島)

Cotswolds - (科茨沃尔德)

Cotton - (棉花)

Cotton Club - (棉花俱乐部)

Couch - (沙发)

Couesnon - (庫埃農河)

Coulomb - (库仑)

Council - (理事会)

Council areas of Scotland - (苏格兰的议会地区)

Council of Europe - (欧洲委员会)

Council of Foreign Ministers - (外交部长理事会)

Council of Ministers (Soviet Union) - (苏联部长会议)

Council of Trent - (特利騰大公會議)

Count Basie - (贝西伯爵)

Count of Flanders - (佛兰德斯伯爵)

Count of Soissons - (苏瓦松伯爵)

Counter-terrorism - (反恐怖主义)

Counterattack - (反击)

Counterintelligence - (反情報)

Counterpoint - (对位法)

Countertenor - (假聲男高音)

Counties of Croatia - (克罗地亚各县)

Counties of England - (郡 (英格蘭))

County (United States) - (县 (美国))

County Cavan - (卡文郡)

County Durham - (达勒姆郡)

County Louth - (卢斯郡)

Courante - (库朗特)

Courtly love - (宫廷爱情)

Courtney - (考特尼)

Courtney Love - (考特尼-洛夫)

Courtship - (求偶)

Courtship in animals - (动物的求偶行为)

Couscous - (古斯米)

Covalent bond - (共价键)

Covent Garden - (科文特花园)

Coventry Cathedral - (考文垂座堂)

Cover version - (翻唱)

Coverture - (割礼 )

COVID-19 pandemic - (2019冠状病毒病疫情)

COVID-19 pandemic in Australia - (澳大利亚的COVID-19大流行)

Cowbird - (牛鸟)

Cowpox - (牛痘)

Cowra, New South Wales - (考拉,新南威尔士州)

Cowra, New South Wales - (考拉,新南威尔士州)

COX-2 inhibitors - (COX-2抑制剂)

CPC Politburo Standing Committee - (中共中央政治局常务委员会)

Crab - (螃蟹)

Crab Nebula - (蟹狀星雲)

Cradle of civilization - (文明摇篮)

Crafoord Prize - (克拉福德奖)

Craig Venter - (克雷格-文特尔)

Cranberry sauce - (小红莓酱)

Crane (bird) - (鹤科)

Crane fly - (鹤翔)

Cranial nerve - (颅神经)

Crankshaft - (曲轴)

Crappie - (刺蓋太陽魚屬)

Crash of the Titans - (泰坦的崩溃)

Crash Team Racing - (古惑狼赛车)

Crassus - (马库斯-利西尼乌斯-克拉苏 )

Crater Lake - (火山口湖 (美國))

Crater Lake National Park - (火山口湖国家公园)

Craton - (克拉通)

Craven Arms - (克雷文-阿姆斯)

Crawford County, Kansas - (堪萨斯州克劳福德县)

Crawford County, Kansas - (堪萨斯州克劳福德县)

Crazy Horse - (疯马)

Crazy in Love - (疯狂的爱)

CrazySexyCool - (疯疯癫癫的性冷淡)

Creation - (创作)

Creationism - (創造論)

Creative Commons licenses - (知识共享许可协议)

Creativity - (創造力)

Creator - (創造神)

Credit default swap - (信用违约互换)

Cree - (克里族)

Cree language - (克里语)

Cree Summer - (克里夏)

Crelle's Journal - (克雷尔的日记)

Crème brûlée - (法式燉蛋)

Creodont - (肉齒目)

Cressida (moon) - (天卫九)

Crest (feathers) - (凤冠)

Creswell Crags - (Creswell Crags)

Cretaceous - (白垩纪)

Crete - (克里特)

Creuse (river) - (克勒茲河)

Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease - (克雅二氏病)

Crewe railway station - (克魯站)

Crewe Works - (克鲁伊工厂)

Crich - (Crich)

Crich Tramway Village - (Crich Tramway Village)

Cricket - (板球)

Cricket Australia - (澳大利亚板球协会)

Cricket World Cup - (板球世界杯)

Crime in Russia - (俄羅斯罪案問題)

Crime of the Century - (世纪之罪)

Crimean War - (克里米亚战争)

Crimes against humanity - (危害人类罪)

Crinoidea - (克里诺亚科)

Criollo (people) - (克里奥尔洛人)

Crisis of the Third Century - (三世紀危機)


Crispus Attucks - (Crispus Attucks)

Cristiano Ronaldo - (克里斯蒂亚诺-罗纳尔多)

Criterium - (锦标赛)

Critérium du Dauphiné Libéré - (杜芬尼自由杯标准赛)

Critic - (評論家)

Crito (Plato) - (克里托(柏拉图))

Crkvenica - (克尔克维尼察)

Cro-Magnon - (克鲁玛努人)

Croatia at the Olympics - (克罗地亚在奥运会上)

Croatian language - (克罗地亚语)

Croatian Liberation Movement - (克罗地亚解放运动)

Croatian National Resistance - (克罗地亚民族抵抗运动)

Croatian Spring - (克罗地亚之春)

Crocodile - (鱷科)

Crocodile Dundee - (鳄鱼邓迪)

Crocodilia - (鳄类)

Crocodylomorph - (Crocodylomorph)

Crohn's disease - (克隆氏症)

Croix de Guerre - (英勇十字勋章)

Cromwellian conquest of Ireland - (克罗姆维利征服爱尔兰)

Cron - (Cron)

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)

Cross-country race - (越野跑)

Crossbill - (鹖冠子 )

Crossbow - (弩)

Crossroads (British TV series) - (十字路口(英国电视剧))

Crossword - (填字游戏)

Crotalinae - (Crotalinae)

Croup - (肾炎)

Crow - (乌鸦)

Crow Nation - (乌鸦族)

Crowded House - (拥挤的房子)

Crown colony - (直轄殖民地)

Crown group - (冠群)

Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom - (联合王国的王室珠宝)

Crown-of-thorns starfish - (棘冠海星)

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